



1.功能基因體學: 利用先進的生物技術,ex.生物晶片、高通量定序等,探討基因的表現及變異
2.生物晶片技術基因微陣列技術: 發展及其於生物醫學與農學上的應用
3.分子腫瘤生物學: 癌症轉移新基因之搜尋及其分子機制探討 


生物晶片技術(一)(二)            基因微陣列資料分析特論
生物晶片特論:計算生物學            癌症基因體學特論
腫瘤轉移機制特論                    生物醫學新知與應用
基因體學實驗                        癌細胞與微環境之交互作用特論
專題研究: 基因微陣列資料分析        基因體學
癌症轉移之新知探討(一)(二)      分子癌症學
基礎癌症醫學                        轉譯基因體醫學
高等細胞生物學                      生醫研究導向學習(一)(二)
轉譯醫學                            生物醫學特論(一)(二)(三)
常見疾病預防與保健                  高階生醫研究導向學習



中興大學    醫學院院長    2022/8~迄今
中興大學    醫學院籌備處執行長    2021/2~2022/7
中興大學    終身講座教授    2019/8~迄今
中興大學    生物科技發展中心    主任    2019/2~迄今
中興大學    組織工程與再生醫學博士學位學程    主任    2019/2~迄今
中興大學    微生物基因體博士學位學程    主任    2019/2~迄今
中興大學    終身特聘教授    2018/10~迄今
中興大學    轉譯醫學博士學位學程    合聘教授    2014/8~迄今
中興大學    醫學生物科技博士學位學程    合聘教授    2014/8~迄今
中興大學    榮譽特聘教授    2013/6~迄今
中興大學    特聘教授    2008/8~迄今
中興大學生科院    分子生物學研究所    合聘教授    2007/8~迄今
國立中興大學生科院    生物醫學研究所    教授    2007/08~迄今

中興大學    榮興轉譯醫學中心    主任    2013/8~2016/7
中興大學生科院    生物醫學研究所    教授兼所長    2007/8~2013/7
中興大學生科院    醫學科技研究所    所長    2007/8~2009/7
中興大學    生物科技發展中心    研發推動組組長    2006/9~2008/8
中興大學生科院    生物醫學/分子生物學研究所    專任助/副教授    2002/8~2007/7
台灣大學醫學院附設醫院    醫學研究部    研究顧問    2002/8~2003/7
中興大學生科院    生物醫學/分子生物研究所    助理教授    2002/8~2004/7
台灣大學醫學院    臨床醫學研究所    兼任助/副教授    2001/8~2007/7
台灣大學醫學院附設醫院    醫學研究部    專任助研究員    2000/8~2002/7



  1. 國立中興大學講座教授(2019/8)
  2. 科技部「特約研究計畫」補助(2018-2021)
  3. 國立中興大學終身特聘教授(2018/10)
  4. 國立中興大學榮譽特聘教授(2014/12)
  5. 台灣癌症醫療貢獻獎(第十六屆台灣癌症聯合學術年會頒發) (2011/4)
  6. 國科會傑出研究獎 (2011~2014)
  7. 國立中興大學「興大之光」獎(2010/9)
  8. 國立中興大學98年度建教合作研究計畫績優獎(2010/9)
  9. 參與之計畫獲選為國科會「科學50」成就之ㄧ(2009)
  10. 國科會傑出學者研究計畫補助(2009/08/01 ~ 2012/07/31)
  11. 國立中興大學特聘教授(2008~迄今)
  12. 國科會傑出研究獎 (2008~2011)
  13. 國科會傑出技術移轉貢獻獎(2008)
  14. 國立中興大學「青年教師研究績優獎」(2006/3)
  15. 歐洲生殖及胚胎醫學會。看板論文比賽第一名(20012003)
  16. 國科會甲種研究獎勵(2000)
  17. 台中榮民總醫院與中區各大學103年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會壁報論文第三名
  18. 台中榮民總醫院與中區各大學102年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會口頭報告第二名
  19. 台中榮民總醫院與中區各大學102年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會壁報論文第二名
  20. 台中榮民總醫院與中區各大學101年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會壁報論文第一名
  21. 台中榮民總醫院與中區各大學99年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會優良論文獎
  22. 國立中興大學「興大之光」獎(2006/9)
  23. 台中榮民總醫院與中部八大院校96年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會:壁報論文第三名
  24. 台中榮民總醫院與中部八大院校95年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會:壁報論文第三名
  25. 國立中興大學研究績優獎(9596年度)


  1. Chen JJW and Peck K. (1996). Non-radioisotopic differential display method to directly visualize and amplify differential bands on nylon membrane. Nucleic Acids Research 24: 793-794. (SCI, I.F.= 16.971; Rank= Biochemistry & Molecular Biology = 8/295= 2.71%; Citations= 16).

  2. Chen JJW, Wu R, Yang PC, Huang JY, Sher YP, Han MH, Kao WC, Lee PJ, Chiu TF, Chang F, Chu YW, Wu CW, and Peck K. (1998). Profiling expression patterns & isolating differentially expressed genes by cDNA microarray system with colorimetry detection. Genomics 51:313-324. (Cover story) (SCI, I.F.= 5.736; Rank= BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY=23/159= 14.47%; Citations= 172).

  3. Hong TM, Yang PC, Peck K, Chen JJW, Yang SC, Chen YC, and Wu CW. (2000). Profiling the Down Stream Genes of Tumor Suppressor PTEN in Lung Cancer Cells by cDNA Microarray. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 23:355-363. (SCI, I.F.= 6.914; Rank= RESPIRATORY SYSTEM=9/64= 14.06%; Citations= 67).

  4. Hong TM#, Chen JJW#, Peck K, Yang PC, and Wu CW (2001). P53 amino acids 339-346 represent the minimal p53 repression domain. Journal of Biological Chemistry 276: 1510-1515. (#co-first author) (SCI, I.F.= 5.157; Rank= BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY= 86/295= 29.15%; Citations= 19).

  5. Chen JJW, Peck K, Hong TM, Yang SC, Sher YP, Shih JY, Wu R, Wu CW, and Yang PC. (2001). Global analysis of gene expression in invasion by a lung cancer model. Cancer Research 61: 5223-5230. (SCI, I.F.= 12.701; Rank= ONCOLOGY=17/242= 7.02%; Citations= 157).

  6. Shih JY, Yang SC, Hong TM, Yuan A, Chen JJW, Yu CJ, Chang YL, Lee YC, Peck K, Wu CW, and Yang PC. (2001). Collapsin response mediator protein-1 and the invasion and metastasis of cancer cells. JNCI-Journal of the National Cancer Institute 93: 1392-1400. (SCI, I.F.= 13.506; Rank= ONCOLOGY=16/242= 6.61%; Citations= 126).

  7. Yoneda K, Peck K, Chang MMJ, Chmiel K, Sher YP, Chen JJW, Yang PC, Chen Y, and Wu R (2001). Development of High-density DNA Microarray Membrane for Profiling Smoke- and Hydrogen Peroxide-induced Genes in a Human Bronchial Epithelial Cell Line. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 164:S85-S89. (SCI, I.F.= 21.405; Rank= RESPIRATORY SYSTEM= 2/64= 3.13%; Citations= 38).

  8. Chen HW, Chen JJW*, Tzeng CR*, Li HN, Chang SJ, Cheng YF, Chang CW, Wang RS, Yang PC, and Lee YT. (2002). Global Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes in Early Gestational Decidua and Chorionic Villi using a 9,600 Human cDNA Microarray. Molecular Human Reproduction 8: 475-484. (Cover story) (SCI, I.F.= 4.025; Rank= OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY= 15/83= 18.07%; Citations= 31).

  9. Chen JJW, Yao PL, Yuan A, Hong TM, Shun CT, Kuo ML, Lee YC, and Yang PC. (2003). Up-regulation of Tumor Interleukin-8 Expression by Infiltrating Macrophages: Its Correlation with Tumor Angiogenesis and Patient Survival in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Clinical Cancer Research 9: 729-737. (SCI, I.F.= 12.531; Rank= ONCOLOGY=18/242= 7.44%; Citations= 233).

  10. Chen HW, Yu SL, Chen JJW*, Li HN, Lin YC, Yao PL, Chou HY, Chien CT, Chen WJ, Lee YT, and Yang PC*. (2004). Anti-Invasive Gene Expression Profile of Curcumin in Lung Adenocarcinoma Based on a High Throughput Microarray Analysis. Molecular Pharmacology 65: 99-110. (SCI, I.F.= 4.436; Rank= PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY=85/276= 30.8%; Citations= 93).

  11. Chen HW, Yu SL, Chen WJ, Yang PC, Chien CT, Chou HY, Li HN, Peck K, Huang CH, Lin FY, Chen JJW* and Lee YT*. (2004). Dynamic Changes of Gene Expression Profiles during Postnatal Development of the Heart in Mice. Heart 90: 927-934. (SCI, I.F.= 5.994; Rank= CARDIAC & CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEMS=31/142= 21.83%; Citations= 35).

  12. Yu SL, Chen HW, Yang PC, Peck K, Tsai MH, Chen JJW, and Lin FY. (2004). Differential Gene Expression in Gram-Negative and Gram-Positive Sepsis. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 169:1135-1143. (SCI, I.F.= 21.405; Rank= RESPIRATORY SYSTEM= 2/64= 3.13%; Citations= 54).

  13. Yuan K, Hong TM, Chen JJW, Tsai WH, and Lin MT. (2004). Syndecan-1 Upregulated by Ephrinb2/Ephb4 Plays Dual Roles in Inflammatory Angiogenesis. Blood 104:1025-1033. (SCI, I.F.= 23.629; Rank= HEMATOLOGY=1/76= 1.32%; Citations= 32).

  14. Yuan A#, Chen JJW#, Yao PL, and Yang PC. (2005). The Role of Interleukin-8 in Cancer Cells and Microenvironment Interaction. Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark 10:853-865. (#co-first author) (SCI, I.F.= 4.009; Rank= BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY= 137/295= 46.44%; Citations= 167).

  15. Chen JJW, Lin YC, Yao PL, Yuan A, Chen HY, Shun CT, Tsai MF, Chen CH, and Yang PC*. (2005). Tumor-Associated Macrophages: The Double Edged Sword in Cancer Progression. Journal of Clinical Oncology 23: 953-964. (SCI, I.F.= 44.544; Rank= Oncology= 4/242= 1.65%; Citations= 290).

  16. Wang CC, Tsai MF, Hong TM, Chang GC, Chen CY, Yang WM, Chen JJW*, and Yang PC*. (2005). The Transcriptional Factor YY1 Upregulates the Novel Invasion Suppressor HLJ1 Expression and Inhibits Cancer Cell Invasion. Oncogene 24: 4081-4093. (SCI, I.F.= 9.867; Rank= BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY= 29/295= 9.83%; Citations= 61).

  17. Yao PL, Lin YC, Wang CH, Huang YC, Liao WY, Wang SS, Chen JJW*, and Yang PC*. (2005). Autocrine and Paracrine Regulation of Interleukin-8 Expression in Lung Cancer Cells. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 32: 540-547. (SCI, I.F.= 6.914; Rank= RESPIRATORY SYSTEM=9/64= 14.06%; Citations= 34).

  18. Chen WJ*, Chen HW, Yu SL, Huang CH, Wang TD, Chen JJW, Chien CT, Chen HY, Yang PC, and Lee YT. (2005). Gene Expression Profiles in Hypoxic Preconditioning Using cDNA Microarray Analysis: Altered Expression of An Angiogenic Factor, Carcinoembryonic Antigen-Related Cell Adhesion Molecule 1. Shock 24:124-131. (SCI, I.F.= 3.454; Rank= CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE=17/36= 47.22%; Citations= 34).

  19. Chen HW, Chen JJW, Yu SL, Li HN, Yang PC, Su CM, Au HK, Chang CW, Chien LW, Chen CS, and Tzeng CR*. (2005). Transcriptome Analysis in Blastocyst Hatching by cDNA Microarray. Human Reproduction 20: 2492-2501. (SCI, I.F.= 6.918; Rank= OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY= 6/83= 7.23%; Citations= 23).

  20. Yao PL, Tsai MF, Lin YC, Wang CH, Liao WY, Chen JJW*, and Yang PC*. (2005). Global Expression Profiling of Theophylline Response Genes in Macrophages: Evidence of Airway Anti-inflammatory Regulation. Respiratory Research 6: 89 doi:10.1186/1465-9921-6-89. (SCI, I.F.= 5.631; Rank= RESPIRATORY SYSTEM=14/64= 21.88%; Citations= 20).

  21. Lee HS, Sherley JL, Chen JJW, Chiu CC, Chiou LL, Liang JD, Yang PC, Huang GT*, Sheu JC*. (2005). EMP-1 Is a Junctional Protein in a Liver Stem Cell Line and in the Liver. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 334: 996-1003. (SCI, I.F.= 3.575; Rank= BIOPHYSICS=30/71= 42.25%; Citations= 22).

  22. Chen CN, Lin JJ, Chen JJW, Lee PH, Yang CY, Kuo ML, Chang KJ*, Hsieh FJ*. (2005). Gene Expression Profile Predicts Patient Survival of Gastric Cancer After Surgical Resection. Journal of Clinical Oncology 23: 7286-7295. (SCI, I.F.= 44.544; Rank= Oncology= 4/242= 1.65%; Citations= 107).

  23. Shih JY, Tsai MF, Chang TH, Chang YL, Yuan A, Yu CJ, Lin SB, Liou GY, Lee ML, Chen JJW, Hong TM, Yang SC, Su JL, Lee YC, Yang PC*. (2005). Transcription Repressor Slug Promotes Carcinoma Invasion and Predicts Outcome of Patients with Lung Adenocarcinoma. Clinical Cancer Research 11: 8070-8078. (SCI, I.F.= 12.531; Rank= ONCOLOGY=18/242= 7.44%; Citations= 175).

  24. Liu CC, Chen WSE, Yang PC, Chang PC, and Chen JJW*. (2005). Topology-based Cancer Classification Technologies Using Microarray Data. Formosan Journal of Medicine 9: 650-666.

  25. Wang CC, Chen JJW*, and Yang PC*. (2006). Multifunctional Transcription Factor YY1: A Therapeutic Target in Human Cancer? Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets 10:253-266. (SCI, I.F.= 6.902; Rank= PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY= 19/276= 6.88%; Citations= 37).

  26. Chou CC*, Yang JH, Chen SD, Monteiro-Riviere NA, Li HN, and Chen JJW*. (2006). Expression Profiling of Human Epidermal Keratinocyte Response Following 1-Minute JP-8 Exposure. Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology 25: 141-153. (SCI, I.F.= 1.82; Rank= OPHTHALMOLOGY= 49/62= 79.03%; Citations= 5).

  27. Lin CS, Lai YH, Sun CW, Liu NT, Tsay HS, Chang WC, Chen JJW*. (2006). Identification of ESTs differentially expressed in green and albino mutant bamboo (Bambusa edulis) by suppressive subtractive hybridization (SSH) and microarray analysis. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 86: 169-175. (SCI, I.F.= 2.711; Rank= PLANT SCIENCES=85/235= 36.17%; Citations= 18).

  28. Liu CC, Lin CC, Chen WSE, Chen HY, Chang PC, Chen JJW*, and Yang PC. (2006). CRSD: a comprehensive web server for composite regulatory signature discovery. Nucleic Acids Research 34 (Web Server issue): W571-W577. (SCI, I.F.= 16.971; Rank= BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY=8/295= 2.71%; Citations= 34).

  29. Tsai MF, Wang CC, Chang GC, Chen CY, Chen HY, Cheng CL, Yang YP, Wu CY, , Shih FY, Liu CC, Lin HP, Jou YS, Lin SC, Lin CW, Chen WJ, Chan WK, Chen JJW*, and Yang PC*. (2006). A New Tumor Suppressor DnaJ-like Heat Shock Protein HLJ1 and Survival of Patients with Non–Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 98: 825-838. (SCI, I.F.= 13.506; Rank= ONCOLOGY=16/242= 6.61%; Citations= 85).

  30. Liu CC, Chen WSE, Lin CC, Liu HC, Chen HY, Yang PC, Chang PC*, and Chen JJW*. (2006). Topology-based cancer classification and related pathway mining using microarray data. Nucleic Acids Research 34: 4069-4080. (SCI, I.F.= 16.971; Rank= BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY=8/295= 2.71%; Citations= 28).

  31. Chen HW, Su SF, Chien CT, Lin WH, Yu SL, Chou CC, Chen JJW*, and Yang PC*. (2006). Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Induce Emphysema-like Lung Injury in Mice. FASEB Journal 20: 2393-2395. (SCI, I.F.= 5.192; Rank= BIOLOGY=14/93= 15.05%; Citations= 222).

  32. Chen HY, Yu SL, Chen CH, Chang GC, Chen CY, Yuan A, Cheng CL, Wang CH, Terng HJ, Kao SF, Chan WK, Li HN, Liu CC, Singh S, Chen WJ*, Chen JJW*, and Yang PC*. (2007). A Five-Gene Signature and Clinical Outcome in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. New England Journal of Medicine 356: 11-20. (SCI, I.F.= 91.253; Rank= MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL=1/167= 0.6%; Citations= 699).

  33. Yu SL, Chen HY, Yang PC*, and Chen JJW*. (2007). Unique MicroRNA Signature and Clinical Outcome of Cancers. DNA and Cell Biology 26: 283-292. (SCI, I.F.= 3.311; Rank= GENETICS & HEREDITY=87/176= 49.43%; Citations= 40).

  34. Wang CC, Tsai MF, Dai TH, Hong TM, Chan WK, Chen JJW*, and Yang PC*. (2007). Synergistic Activation of the Tumor Suppressor, HLJ1, by the Transcription Factors YY1 and Activator Protein 1. Cancer Research 67:4816-4826. (SCI, I.F.= 12.701; Rank= ONCOLOGY=17/242= 7.02%; Citations= 44).

  35. Liu CC, Lin CC, Li KC, Chen WSE, Chen JC, Yang MT, Yang PC, Chang PC*, and Chen JJW*. (2007). Genome-wide identification of specific oligonucleotides using artificial neural network and computational genomic analysis. BMC Bioinformatics 8:164. (SCI, I.F.= 3.169; Rank= MATHEMATICAL & COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY=16/58= 27.59%; Citations= 3).

  36. Liu CW, Lin CC, Chen JJW, and Tseng MJ. (2007). Stable chloroplast transformation in cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.) by particle bombardment. Plant Cell Reports 26: 1733-1744. (SCI, I.F.= 4.57; Rank= PLANT SCIENCES= 27/235= 11.49%; Citations= 71).

  37. Yu SL, Chen HY, Chang GC, Chen CY, Chen HW, Singh S, Cheng CL, Yu CJ, Lee YC, Chen HS, Su TJ, Chiang CC, Li HN, Hong QS, Su HY, Chen CC, Chen WJ, Liu CC, Chan WK, Chen WJ, Li KC*, Chen JJW*, and Yang PC*. (2008). MicroRNA Signature Predicts Survival and Relapse in Lung Cancer. Cancer Cell 13: 48-57. (SCI, I.F.= 31.743; Rank= CELL BIOLOGY=4/195= 2.05%; Citations= 656).

  38. Lin CS, Liu NT, Liao DC, Yu JS, Tsao CH, Lin CH, Sun CW, Jane WN, Tsay HS, Chen JJW, Lai EM, Lin NS, Chang WC, Lin CC. (2008). Differential protein expression of two photosystem II subunits, PsbO and PsbP in an albino mutant of Bambusa edulis Murno with chloroplast DNA aberration. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 133: 270-277. (SCI, I.F.= 1.144; Rank= HORTICULTURE= 23/37= 62.16%; Citations= 7).

  39. Liu CW, Lin CC, Yiu JC, Chen JJW, and Tseng MJ. (2008). Expression of a Bacillus thuringiensis Toxin (cry1Ab) gene in Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.) chloroplasts confers high insecticidal efficacy against Plutella xylostella. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 117: 75-88. (SCI, I.F.= 5.699; Rank= AGRONOMY= 4/91= 4.4%; Citations= 42).

  40. Yuan A, Chen JJW, Yang PC. (2008). Pathophysiology of tumor-associated macrophages. Advances in Clinical Chemistry 45:199-223. (SCI, I.F.= 5.394; Rank= MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY=5/29= 17.24%; Citations= 29).

  41. Yu SL, Singh S, Chen HW, Chen HY, Chen JJW, Chen WJ, Chen HS, Chen SC. (2008). Intra-abdominal adhesion formation induces anti-oxidative injury, enhances cell proliferation, and prevents complement-mediated lysis. Wound Repair and Regeneration 16: 388-398. (SCI, I.F.= 3.617; Rank= DERMATOLOGY=20/69= 28.99%; Citations= 3).

  42. Wu CC, Lin JC, Yang SC, Lin CW, Chen JJW, Shih JY, Hong TM, and Yang PC. (2008). Modulation of the expression of the invasion-suppressor CRMP-1 by cyclooxygenase-2 inhibition via reciprocal regulation of Sp1 and C/EBPα. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 7: 1365-1375. (SCI, I.F.= 6.261; Rank= ONCOLOGY=60/242= 24.79%; Citations= 16).

  43. Chen HW, Liu JC, Chen JJW, Lee YM, Hwang JL, and Tzeng CR. (2008). Combined differential gene expression profile and pathway enrichment analyses to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of uterine leiomyoma after gonadotropin-releasing hormone treatment. Fertility and Sterility 90:1219-1225. (SCI, I.F.= 7.329; Rank= OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY=4/83= 4.82%; Citations= 10).

  44. Lee CY, Agrawal DC, Wang CS, Yu SM, Chen JJW*, and Tsay HS*. (2008). T-DNA Activation Tagging as a Tool to Isolate Salvia miltiorrhiza Transgenic Lines for Higher Yields of Tanshinones. Planta Medica 74: 780-786. (SCI, I.F.= 3.356; Rank= INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE=7/28= 25%; Citations= 12).

  45. Chen HW, Lee JY, Huang JY, Wang CC, Chen WJ, Su SF, Huang CW, Ho CC, Chen JJW, Tsai MF, Yu SL, Yang PC. (2008). Curcumin Inhibits Lung Cancer Cell Invasion and Metastasis through the Tumor Suppressor HLJ1. Cancer Research 68: 7428-7438. (SCI, I.F.= 12.701; Rank= ONCOLOGY=17/242= 7.02%; Citations= 171).

  46. Lee CY, Sher HF, Chen HW, Liu CC, Chen CH, Lin CS, Yang PC, Tsay HS, and Chen JJW*. (2008). Anticancer effects of tanshinone I in human non-small cell lung cancer. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 7: 3527-3538. (SCI, I.F.= 6.261; Rank= ONCOLOGY=60/242= 24.79%; Citations= 96).

  47. Cheng TH, Chen JJW, Shih NL, Lin JW, Liu JC, Chen YL, Chen CH, and Chen JJ. (2009). Mechanical Stretch Induces Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Gene Expression in Neonatal Rat Cardiomyocytes. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 36: 559–566. (SCI, I.F.= 2.092; Rank= PHYSIOLOGY= 49/81= 60.49%; Citations= 11).

  48. Chang TP, Yu SL, Lin SY, Hsiao YJ, Chang GC, Yang PC, Chen JJW*. (2010). Tumor Suppressor HLJ1 Binds and Functionally Alters Nucleophosmin via Activating Enhancer Binding Protein 2α Complex Formation. Cancer Research 70: 1656-1667. (SCI, I.F.= 12.701; Rank= ONCOLOGY=17/242= 7.02%; Citations= 21).

  49. Chen CH, Lin H, Chuang SM, Chen JJW*. (2010). Acidic stress facilitates tyrosine phosphorylation of HLJ1 to associate with actin cytoskeleton in lung cancer cells. Experimental Cell Research 316: 2910-2921. (SCI, I.F.= 3.905; Rank= ONCOLOGY=135/242= 55.79%; Citations= 12).

  50. Lin SY, Hsueh CM, Yu SL, Su CC, Shum WY, Yeh KC, Chang GC, and Chen JJW*. (2010). HLJ1 is a novel caspase-3 substrate and its expression enhances UV-induced apoptosis in non-small cell lung carcinoma. Nucleic Acids Research 38: 6148-6158. (SCI, I.F.= 16.971; Rank= BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY=8/295= 2.71%; Citations= 21).

  51. Yuan A, Lin CY, Chou CH, Shih CM, Chen CY, Cheng HW, Chen YF, Chen JJW, Chen JH, Yang PC, Chang C. (2011). Functional and Structural Characteristics of Tumor Angiogenesis in Lung Cancers Overexpressing Different VEGF Isoforms Assessed by DCE- and SSCE-MRI. PLoS One 6: e16062. (SCI, I.F.= 3.24; Rank= Multidisciplinary Sciences=26/72= 36.11%; Citations= 34).

  52. Ho BC, Yu SL, Chen JJW, Chang SY, Yan BS, Hong QS, Singh S, Kao CL, Chen HY, Su KY, Li KC, Cheng CL, Cheng HW, Lee JY, Lee CN, Yang PC. (2011). Enterovirus-induced miR-141 contributes to shutoff of host protein translation by targeting the translation initiation factor eIF4E. Cell Host & Microbe. 9: 58-69. (SCI, I.F.= 21.023; Rank= MICROBIOLOGY= 3/136= 2.21%; Citations= 116).

  53. Pan SH, Chao YC, Hung PF, Chen HY, Yang SC, Chang YL, Wu CT, Chang CC, Wang WL, Chan WK, Wu YY, Che TF, Wang LK, Lin CY, Lee YC, Kuo ML, Lee CH, Chen JJW, Hong TM, Yang PC. (2011). The ability of LCRMP-1 to promote cancer invasion by enhancing filopodia formation is antagonized by CRMP-1. Journal of Clinical Investigation 121(8):3189-205. (SCI, I.F.= 14.808; Rank= MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL= 3/140= 2.14%; Citations= 58).

  54. Yuan S, Yu SL, Chen HY, Hsu YC, Su KY, Chen HW, Chen CY, Yu CJ, Shih JY, Chang YL, Cheng CL, Hsu CP, Hsia JY, Lin CY, Wu G, Liu CH, Wang CD, Yang KC, Chen YW, Lai YL, Hsu CC, Lin TC, Yang TY, Chen KC, Hsu KH, Chen JJW, Chang GC, Li KC, Yang PC. (2011) Clustered Genomic Alterations in Chromosome 7p Dictate Outcomes and Targeted Treatment Responses of Lung Adenocarcinoma With EGFR-Activating Mutations. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 29(25):3435-42 (SCI, I.F.= 44.544; Rank= Oncology= 4/242= 1.65%; Citations= 24).

  55. Lee JY, Lee YM, Chang GC, Yu SL, Hsieh WY, Chen JJW, Chen HW, Yang PC. (2011) Curcumin Induces EGFR Degradation in Lung Adenocarcinoma and Modulates p38 Activation in Intestine: The Versatile Adjuvant for Gefitinib Therapy. PLoS One. 6(8):e23756. (SCI, I.F.= 3.24; Rank= Multidisciplinary Sciences=26/72= 36.11%; Citations= 66).

  56. Huang CW, Chen HY, Yen MH, Chen JJW, Young TH, Cheng JY. (2011). Gene expression of human lung cancer cell line CL1-5 in response to a direct current electric field. PLoS One. 6(10):e25928. (SCI, I.F.= 3.24; Rank= Multidisciplinary Sciences=26/72= 36.11%; Citations= 31).

  57. Hsieh WY, Chou CC, Ho CC, Yu SL, Chen HY, Chou HY, Chen JJW, Chen HW, Yang PC. (2012). Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Induce Airway Hyper-Reactivity and Parenchymal Injury in Mice. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology. 46(2):257-67. (SCI, I.F.= 6.914; Rank= RESPIRATORY SYSTEM=9/64= 14.06%; Citations= 21).

  58. Lai JH, She TF, Juang YM, Tsay YG, Chen JJW*, and Lai CC*. (2012). Comparative Proteomic Profiling of Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells (CL1-0) Expressing miR-372. Electrophoresis. 33(4):675-88. (SCI, I.F.= 3.535; Rank= CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL=27/87= 31.03%; Citations= 15).

  59. Wang CC, Lin SY, Lai YH, Liu YJ, Hsu YL, and Chen JJW*. (2012). Dimethyl sulfoxide promotes the multiple functions of the tumor suppressor HLJ1 through Activator Protein-1 activation in NSCLC cells. PLoS One. 7(4):e33722. (SCI, I.F.= 3.24; Rank= Multidisciplinary Sciences=26/72= 36.11%; Citations= 18).

  60. Wu CS, Chen YJ, Chen JJW, Shieh JJ, Huang CH, Lin PS, Chang GC, Chang JT, Lin CC. (2012). Terpinen-4-ol Induces Apoptosis in Human Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer In Vitro and In Vivo. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2012:818261. (SCI, I.F.= 2.63; Rank= INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE = 12/28= 42.86%; Citations= 52).

  61. Liu CW, Chen JJW, Kang CC, Wu CH, and Yiu JC. (2012). Transgenic lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) expressing H1N1 influenza surface antigen (neuraminidase). Scientia Horticulturae 139: 8-13. (SCI, I.F.= 3.463; Rank= HORTICULTURE = 4/37= 10.81%; Citations= 5).

  62. Chen CH, Chuang SM, Yang MF, Liao JW, Yu SL, and Chen JJW*. (2012). A Novel Function of YWHAZ/β-catenin Axis in Promoting Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Lung Cancer Metastasis. Molecular Cancer Research 10(10):1319-31. (SCI, I.F.= 5.852; Rank= ONCOLOGY = 68/242= 28.10%; Citations= 68).

  63. Huang CY#, Chen JJW#, Shen KY, Chang LS, Yeh YC, Chen IH, Chong P, Liu SJ, and Leng CH. (2012). Recombinant lipidated HPV E7 induces a Th-1-biased immune response and protective immunity against cervical cancer in a mouse model. PLoS One. 7(7):e40970. (#co-first author) (SCI, I.F.= 3.24; Rank= Multidisciplinary Sciences = 26/72= 36.11%; Citations= 10).

  64. Wang SY, Lee YL, Lai YH, Chen JJW, Wu WL, Yuann JM, Su WL, Chuang SM, and Hou MH. (2012). Spermine attenuates the action of the DNA intercalator, actinomycin D, on DNA binding and the inhibition of transcription and DNA replication. PLoS One. 7(11):e47101. (SCI, I.F.= 3.24; Rank= Multidisciplinary Sciences = 26/72= 36.11%; Citations= 12).

  65. Lai YH, Yu SL, Chen HY, Wang CC, Chen HW, and Chen JJW*. (2013). The HLJ1-targeting drug-screening identified Chinese herb andrographolide that can suppress tumour growth and invasion in non-small-cell lung cancer. Carcinogenesis 34(5):1069-1080. (SCI, I.F.= 4.944; Rank= ONCOLOGY= 93/242= 38.43%; Citations= 29).

  66. Lin CS, Chen JJW, Huang YT, Hsu CT, Lu HC, Chou ML, Chen LC, Ou CI, Liao DC, Yeh YY, Chang SB, Shen SC, Wu FH, Shih MC, Chan MT. (2013). Catalog of Erycina pusilla miRNA and categorization of reproductive phase-related miRNAs and their target gene families. Plant Molecular Biology 82(1-2):193-204. (SCI, I.F.= 4.076; Rank= PLANT SCIENCES= 43/235= 18.30%; Citations= 20).

  67. Chou ML, Shih MC, Chan MT, Liao SY, Hsu CT, Haung YT, Chen JJW, Liao DC, Wu FH, Lin CS. (2013). Global transcriptome analysis and identification of a CONSTANS-like gene family in the orchid Erycina pusilla. Planta 237(6):1425-41. (SCI, I.F.= 4.116; Rank= PLANT SCIENCES= 40/235= 17.02%; Citations= 26).

  68. Liu PY, Huang YT, Lin SY, Chang GC, Chen JW*. (2013). Draft Genome Sequence of the Serratia marcescens Strain VGH107, a Taiwanese Clinical isolate. Genome Announcements 1(3):e00249-13.

  69. Yang CC, Buck MJ, Chen MH, Chen YF, Lan HC, Chen JJW, Cheng C, Liu CC. (2013). Discovering chromatin motifs using FAIRE sequencing and the human diploid genome. BMC Genomics 14:310. (SCI, I.F.= 3.969; Rank= Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology= 58/159= 36.48%; Citations= 4).

  70. Tsai HF, Huang CW, Chang HF, Chen JJW, Lee CH, Cheng JY. (2013). Evaluation of EGFR and RTK Signaling in the Electrotaxis of Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells under Direct-Current Electric Field Stimulation. PLoS One. 8(8): e73418. (SCI, I.F.= 3.24; Rank= Multidisciplinary Sciences = 26/72= 36.11%; Citations= 23).

  71. Wu CS, Li YR, Chen JJW, Chen YC, Chu CL, Pan IH, Wu YS, Lin CC. (2014). Antihelminthic niclosamide modulates dendritic cells activation and function. Cellular Immunology 288(1-2):15-23. (SCI, I.F.= 4.868; Rank= Immunology= 64/162= 39.51%; Citations= 13).

  72. Tseng JS, Yang TY, Chen KC, Hsu KH, Yu CJ, Liao WY, Tsai CR, Tsai MH, Yu SL, Su KY, Chen JJW, Chen HY, Chang GC. (2014). Prior EGFR tyrosine-kinase inhibitor therapy did not influence the efficacy of subsequent pemetrexed plus platinum in advanced chemonaïve patients with EGFR-mutant lung adenocarcinoma. OncoTargets and Therapy. 23;7:799-805. (SCI, I.F.= 4.147; Rank= BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY= 53/159= 33.33%; Citations= 13).

  73. Liu CC, Tseng YT, Li W, Wu CY, Mayzus I, Rzhetsky A, Sun F, Waterman M, Chen JJW, Chaudhary PM, Loscalzo J, Crandall E, Zhou XJ. (2014). DiseaseConnect: a comprehensive web server for mechanism-based disease-disease connections. Nucleic Acids Research. 42(Web Server issue):W137-146. (SCI, I.F.= 16.971; Rank= Biochemistry & Molecular Biology = 8/295= 2.71%; Citations= 65).

  74. Shih MC, Chou ML, Yue JJ, Hsu CT, Chang WJ, Ko SS, Liao DC, Huang YT, Chen JJW, Yuan JL, Gu XP, Lin CS. (2014). BeMADS1 is a key to delivery MADSs into nucleus in reproductive tissues - De novo characterization of Bambusa edulis transcriptome and study of MADS genes in bamboo floral development. BMC Plant Biology 14(1):179. (SCI, I.F.= 4.215; Rank= Plant Sciences = 34/235= 14.47%; Citations= 28).

  75. Chen KC, Yang TY, Wu CC, Cheng CC, Hsu SL, Hung HW, Chen JW*, Chang GC. (2014). Pemetrexed induces S-phase arrest and apoptosis via a deregulated activation of Akt signaling pathway. PLoS One. 9(5):e97888. (SCI, I.F.= 3.24; Rank= Multidisciplinary Sciences= 26/72= 36.11%; Citations= 30).

  76. Chen CC, Chen HY, Su KY, Hong QS, Yan BS, Chen CH, Pan SH, Chang YL, Wang CJ, Hung PF, Yuan S, Chang GC, Chen JJW, Yang PC, Yang YC, Yu SL. (2014). Shisa3 Is Associated with Prolonged Survival through Promoting β-Catenin Degradation in Lung Cancer. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 190(4):433-44. (SCI, I.F.= 21.405; Rank= RESPIRATORY SYSTEM= 2/64= 3.13%; Citations= 30).

  77. Hsieh FS, Chen NT, Yao YL, Wang SY, Chen JJW, Lai CC, Yang WM. (2014). The transcriptional repression activity of STAF65 gamma is facilitated by promoter tethering and nuclear import of class IIa histone deacetylases. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Gene Regulatory Mechanisms 1839(7):579-91. (SCI, I.F.= 4.49; Rank= Biophysics= 16/71= 22.54%; Citations= 5).

  78. Tsai MF, Wang CC, Chen JJW*. (2014). Tumour suppressor HLJ1: A potential diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic target in non-small cell lung cancer. World Journal of Clinical Oncology 5(5):865-873.

  79. Tseng YT, Li W, Chen CH, Zhang S, Chen JJW, Zhou X, Liu CC. (2015). IIIDB: a database for isoform-isoform interactions and isoform network modules. BMC Genomics. 16 Suppl 2:S10. (SCI, I.F.= 3.969; Rank= Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology= 58/159= 36.48%; Citations= 22).

  80. Lin CS, Chen JJW#, Huang YT, Chan MT, Daniell H, Chang WJ, Hsu CT, Liao DC, Wu FH, Lin SY, Liao CF, Deyholos MK, Wong GK, Albert VA, Chou ML, Chen CY, and Shih MC.(2015). The location and translocation of ndh genes of chloroplast origin in the Orchidaceae family. Scientific Reports 5:9040. (#co-first author) (SCI, I.F.= 4.38; Rank= Multidisciplinary Sciences = 17/72= 23.61%; Citations= 86).

  81. Huang AH, Pan SH, Chang WH, Hong QS, Chen JJW*, and Yu SL. (2015). PARVA Promotes Metastasis by Modulating ILK Signalling Pathway in Lung Adenocarcinoma. PLoS One 10(3):e0118530. (SCI, I.F.= 3.24; Rank= Multidisciplinary Sciences= 26/72= 36.11%; Citations= 20).

  82. Hsu KH, Ho CC, Hsia TC, Tseng JS, Su KY, Wu MF, Chiu KL, Yang TY, Chen KC, Ooi H, Wu TC, Chen HJ, Chen HY, Chang CS, Hsu CP, Hsia JY, Chuang CY, Lin CH, Chen JJW, Chen KY, Liao WY, Shih JY, Yu SL, Yu CJ, Yang PC, Chang GC. (2015). Identification of Five Driver Gene Mutations in Patients with Treatment-Naïve Lung Adenocarcinoma in Taiwan. PLoS One. 10(3):e0120852. (SCI, I.F.= 3.24; Rank= Multidisciplinary Sciences= 26/72= 36.11%; Citations= 58).

  83. Tseng JS, Yang TY, Tsai CR, Chen KC, Hsu KH, Tsai MH, Yu SL, Su KY, Chen JJW*, Chang GC. (2015). Dynamic plasma EGFR mutation status as a predictor of EGFR-TKI efficacy in patients with EGFR-mutant lung adenocarcinoma. Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 10(4):603-610. (SCI, I.F.= 15.609; Rank= Oncology= 13/242= 5.37%; Citations= 56).

  84. Wang CC, Su KY, Chen HY, Chang SY, Shen CF, Hsieh CH, Hong QS, Chiang CC, Chang GC, Yu SL and Chen JJW*. (2015). HOXA5 inhibits metastasis via regulating cytoskeletal remodelling and associates with prolonged survival in non-small-cell lung carcinoma. PLoS One. 10(4):e0124191. (SCI, I.F.= 3.24; Rank= Multidisciplinary Sciences= 26/72= 36.11%; Citations= 25).

  85. Ruhlman TA, Chang WJ, Chen JJW#, Huang YT, Chan MT, Zhang J, Liao C, Blazier JC, Jin X, Shih MC, Jansen RK, and Lin CS. (2015). NDH expression marks major transitions in plant evolution and reveals coordinate intracellular gene loss. BMC Plant Biology. 15(1):100. (#co-first author) (SCI, I.F.= 4.215; Rank= Plant Sciences = 34/235= 14.47%; Citations= 52).

  86. Lin SY, Chang HH, Lai YH, Lin CH, Chang GC, Tsai MF, and Chen JJW*. (2015). Digoxin suppresses tumor malignancy through inhibiting multiple Src-related signaling pathways in non-small cell lung cancer. PLoS One. 10(5):e0123305. (SCI, I.F.= 3.24; Rank= Multidisciplinary Sciences= 26/72= 36.11%; Citations= 42).

  87. Chen HY, Yu SL, Ho BC, Su KY, Hsu YC, Chang CS, Li YC, Yang SY, Hsu PY, Ho H, Chang YH, Chen CY, Yang HI, Hsu CP, Yang TY, Chen KC, Hsu KH, Tseng JS, Hsia JY, Chuang CY, Yuan S, Lee MH, Liu CH, Wu GI, Hsiung CA, Chen YM, Wang CL, Huang MS, Yu CJ, Chen KY, Tsai YH, Su WC, Chen HW, Chen JJW, Chen CJ, Chang GC, Yang PC, Li KC. (2015). R331W Missense Mutation of Oncogene YAP1 is a Germline Risk Allele for Lung Adenocarcinoma with Medical Actionability. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 33(20):2303-2310. (SCI, I.F.= 44.544; Rank= Oncology= 4/242= 1.65%; Citations= 61).

  88. Wong YH, Lin CL, Chen TS, Chen CA, Jiang PS, Lai YH, Chu L, Li CW, Chen JJW*, Chen BS. (2015). Multiple target drug cocktail design for attacking the core network markers of four cancers using ligand-based and structure-based virtual screening methods. BMC Medical Genomics 8(Suppl 4):S4. (SCI, I.F.= 3.063; Rank= GENETICS & HEREDITY = 97/176= 55.11%; Citations= 12).

  89. Lai YH, Chen MH, Lin SY, Lin SY, Wong YH, Yu SL, Chen HW, Yang CH, Chang GC, and Chen JJW*. (2015). Rhodomycin A, a novel Src-targeted compound, can suppress lung cancer cell progression via modulating Src-related pathways. Oncotarget 6(28):26252-26265. (SCI, I.F.= 5.168; Rank= ONCOLOGY= 44/217= 20.28%; Citations= 7).

  90. Yuan A, Hsiao YJ, Chen HY, Chen HW, Ho CC, Chen YY, Liu YC, Hong TH, Yu SL, Chen JJW*, and Yang PC. (2015). Opposite Effects of M1 and M2 Macrophage Subtypes on Lung Cancer Progression. Scientific Reports 5:14273. (SCI, I.F.=4.38; Rank= Multidisciplinary Sciences = 17/72= 23.61%; Citations= 173).

  91. Lin CS, Hsu CT, Liao DC, Chang WJ, Chou ML, Huang YT, Chen JJW, Ko SS, Chan MT, and Shih MC. (2016). Transcriptome-wide analysis of the MADS-box gene family in the orchid Erycina pusilla. Plant Biotechnology Journal 14(1):284-98. (SCI, I.F.= 9.803; Rank=Plant Sciences = 8/235= 3.4%; Citations= 28).

  92. Huang KY, Kao SH, Wang WL, Chen CY, Hsiao TH, Salunke SB, Chen JJW, Su KY, Yang SC, Hong TM, Chen CS, Yang PC. (2016). Small-molecule, T315, Promotes CBL-dependent Degradation of EGFR via Y1045 Autophosphorylation. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 193(7):753-766. (SCI, I.F.= 21.405; Rank= RESPIRATORY SYSTEM= 2/64= 3.13%; Citations= 14).

  93. Ho CW, Chen JJW, Lee TH, and Lin HJ. (2016). Complete mitochondrial genome of Oncorhynchus masou formosanus (Jordan & Oshima, 1919) (Pisces, Salmonidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B 1:1, 320-321. (SCI, I.F.= 0.658; Rank= GENETICS & HEREDITY= 170/176= 96.59%; Citations= 2).

  94. Tseng CH, Chen KC, Hsu KH, Tseng JS, Ho CC, Hsia TC, Su KY, Wu MF, Chiu KL, Liu CM, Wu TC, Chen HJ, Chen HY, Chang CS, Hsu CP, Hsia JY, Chuang CY, Lin CH, Chen JJW, Chen KY, Liao WY, Shih JY, Yu SL, Yu CJ, Yang PC, Yang TY, Chang GC. (2016). EGFR mutation and lobar location of lung adenocarcinoma. Carcinogenesis 37(2):157-162. (SCI, I.F.= 4.944; Rank= ONCOLOGY= 93/242= 38.43%; Citations= 8).

  95. Huang YH, Hsu KH, Tseng JS, Chen KC, Su KY, Chen HY, Chang CS, Chen JJW, Yu SL, Chen HW, Yang TY, and Chang GC. (2016). Predilection of contralateral upper lung metastasis in upper lobe lung adenocarcinoma patients. Journal of Thoracic Disease. 8(1):86-92. (SCI, I.F.= 2.895; Rank= RESPIRATORY SYSTEM = 38/64= 59.38%; Citations= 2).

  96. Lin SY, Lee YX, Yu SL, Chang GC, and Chen JJW*. (2016). Phosphatase of regenerating liver-3 inhibits invasiveness and proliferation in non-small cell lung cancer by regulating the epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Oncotarget 7(16):21799-21811. (SCI, I.F.= 5.168; Rank= ONCOLOGY= 44/217= 20.28%; Citations= 7).

  97. Wong YH, Chiu CC, Lin CL, Chen TS, Jheng BR, Lee YC, Chen J*, Chen BS. (2016). A New Era for Cancer Target Therapies: Applying Systems Biology and Computer-Aided Drug Design to Cancer Therapies. Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 17(14):1246-1267. (SCI, I.F.= 2.837; Rank= PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY= 174/276= 63.04%; Citations= 5).

  98. Su TJ, Ku WH, Chen HY, Hsu YC, Hong QS, Chang GC, Yu SL, and Chen JJW*. (2016). Oncogenic miR-137 contributes to cisplatin resistance via repressing CASP3 in lung adenocarcinoma. American Journal of Cancer Research 6(6):1317-1330. (SCI, I.F.= 6.166; Rank= ONCOLOGY= 64/242= 26.45%; Citations= 20).

  99. Lin SH, Wang BY, Lin CH, Chien PJ, Wu YF, Ko JL, and Chen JJW*. (2016). Chidamide alleviates TGF-β-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition in lung cancer cell lines. Molecular Biology Reports 43(7):687-695. (SCI, I.F.= 2.316; Rank= BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY= 238/295= 80.68%; Citations= 14).

  100. Hsu KH, Tseng JS, Wang CL, Yang TY, Tseng CH, Chen HY, Chen KC, Tsai CR, Yang CT, Yu SL, Su KY, Yu CJ, Ho CC, Hsia TC, Wu MF, Chiu KL, Liu CM, Yang PC, Chen JJW*, and Chang GC. (2016). Higher frequency but random distribution of EGFR mutation subtypes in familial lung cancer patients. Oncotarget 7(33):53299-53308. (SCI, I.F.= 5.168; Rank= ONCOLOGY= 44/217= 20.28%; Citations= 7).

  101. Yang CC, Andrews EH, Chen MH, Wang WY, Chen JJW, Gerstein M, Liu CC, Cheng C. (2016). iTAR: a web server for identifying target genes of transcription factors using ChIP-seq or ChIP-chip data. BMC Genomics 17(1): 632. (SCI, I.F.= 3.969; Rank= BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY= 58/159= 36.48%; Citations= 2).

  102. Chen CH, Chang WH, Su KY, Ku WH, Chang GC, Hong QS, Hsiao YJ, Chen HC, Chen HY, Wu R, Yang PC, Chen JJW*, and Yu SL. (2016). HLJ1 is an endogenous Src inhibitor suppressing cancer progression through dual mechanisms. Oncogene 35(43):5674-5685. (SCI, I.F.= 9.867; Rank= BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY= 29/295= 9.83%; Citations= 11).

  103. Lin SH, Perng DW, Chen CP, Chai WH, Yeh CS, Kor CT, Cheng SL, Chen JJW*, and Lin CH. (2016). The Risk of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients with Comorbid Cardiovascular Disease. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 11: 3051-3058. (SCI, I.F.= 3.355; Rank= RESPIRATORY SYSTEM= 29/64= 45.31%; Citations= 12).

  104. Ting CK, Lin CS, Chan MT, Chen JW, Chuang SY, Huang YT. (2016). A Genetic Algorithm for Diploid Genome Reconstruction Using Paired-End Sequencing. PLoS One. 11(11):e0166721. (SCI, I.F.= 3.24; Rank= MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES= 26/72= 36.11%; Citations = 0).

  105. Liu WT, Yang CC, Chen RK, Jwo WS, Wu CW, Ting WY, Shung DP, Liu CC, and Chen JJW*. (2016). RiceATM: A platform for identifying the association between rice agronomic traits and miRNA expression. Database (Oxford). 2016. pii: baw151. (SCI, I.F.= 3.451; Rank= MATHEMATICAL & COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY= 14/58= 24.14%; Citations= 3).

  106. Yang CC, Chen MH, Lin SY, Andrews EH, Cheng C, Liu CC, and Chen JJW*. (2017). Inferring condition-specific targets of human TF-TF complexes using ChIP-seq data. BMC Genomics 18(1): 61. (SCI, I.F.= 3.969; Rank= BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY= 58/159= 36.48%; Citations= 1).

  107. Cheng HW, Chen YF, Wong JM, Weng CW, Chen HY, Yu SL, Chen HW, Yuan A, and Chen JJW*. (2017). Cancer cells increase endothelial cell tube formation and survival by activating the PI3K/Akt signalling pathway. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research 36(1): 27. (SCI, I.F.= 11.161; Rank= ONCOLOGY= 25/242= 10.33%; Citations= 59).

  108. Chang CJ, Chen YL, Hsieh CH, Liu YJ, Yu SL, Chen JJW, Wang CC. (2017). HOXA5 and p53 cooperate to suppress lung cancer cell invasion and serve as good prognostic factors in non-small cell lung cancer. J Cancer. 8(6):1071-1081. (SCI, I.F.= 4.207; Rank= ONCOLOGY= 120/242= 49.59%; Citations= 27).

  109. Lin CS, Chen JJW#, Chiu CC, Hsiao HCW, Yang CJ, Jin XH, Leebens-Mack J, de Pamphilis CW, Huang YT, Yang LH, Chang WJ, Kui L, Wong GK, Hu JM, Wang W, Shih MC. (2017). Concomitant loss of NDH complex-related genes within chloroplast and nuclear genomes in some orchids. Plant J. 90(5):994-1006. (#co-first author) (SCI, I.F.= 6.486; Rank= PLANT SCIENCES= 15/235= 6.38%; Citations= 45).

  110. Liu WT, Chen PW, Chen LC, Yang CC, Chen SY, Huang GF, Lin TC, Ku HM, and Chen JJW*. (2017). Suppressive Effect of MicroRNA319 Expression on Rice Plant Height. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 130(7):1507-1518. (SCI, I.F.= 5.699; Rank= AGRONOMY= 4/91= 4.4%; Citations= 9).

  111. Cheng JC, Tseng CP, Liao MH, Peng CY, Yu JS, Chuang PH, Huang JT, Chen JJW. (2017). Activation of hepatic stellate cells by the ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase 1 protein secreted from hepatitis C virus-infected hepatocytes. Scientific Reports 7(1):4448. (SCI, I.F.= 4.38; Rank= MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES= 17/72= 23.61%; Citations= 8).

  112. Li YR, Lin CC, Huang CY, Wong YH, Hsieh CH, Wu HW, Chen JJW, and Wu YS. (2017). Study of the inhibitory effects on TNF-α-induced NF-κB activation of IMD0354 analogs. Chem Biol Drug Des. 90(6):1307-1311. (SCI, I.F.= 2.817; Rank= CHEMISTRY, MEDICINAL= 42/62= 67.74%; Citations= 5).

  113. Chen CY, Chen YY, Chen JJW, Chen KY, Ho CC, Shih JY, Chang YL, Yu CJ, and Yang PC. (2017). Astrocyte-elevated gene-1 confers resistance to pemetrexed in non-small cell lung cancer by upregulating thymidylate synthase expression. Oncotarget 8(37):61901-61916. (SCI, I.F.= 5.168; Rank= ONCOLOGY= 44/217= 20.28%; Citations = 7).

  114. Lai YH, Lin SY, Wu YS, Chen HW, Chen JJW*. (2017). AC-93253 iodide, a novel Src inhibitor, suppresses NSCLC progression by modulating multiple Src-related signaling pathways. Journal of Hematology & Oncology 10(1):172. (SCI, I.F.= 17.388; Rank= HEMATOLOGY= 3/76= 3.95%; Citations= 8).

  115. Tseng CH, Chiang CJ, Tseng JS, Yang TY, Hsu KH, Chen KC, Wang CL, Chen CY, Yen SH , Tsai CM, Huang MS, Ho CC, Yu CJ, Tsai YH, Chen JS, Chou TY, Tsai MH, Chen HY, Su KY, Chen JJW, Chen HW, Yu SL, Liu TW, Chang GC. (2017). EGFR mutation, smoking, and gender in advanced lung adenocarcinoma. Oncotarget 8(58): 98384-98393. (SCI, I.F.= 5.168; Rank= ONCOLOGY= 44/217= 20.28%; Citations = 36).

  116. Huang YH, Hsu KH, Tseng JS, Chen KC, Hsu CH, Su KY, Chen JJW, Chen HW, Yu SL, Yang TY, Chang GC. (2018). The Association of Acquired T790M Mutation with Clinical Characteristics after Resistance to First-Line Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor in Lung Adenocarcinoma. Cancer Res Treat. 50(4):1294-1303. (SCI, I.F.= 4.679; Rank= ONCOLOGY= 101/242= 41.74%; Citations= 26).

  117. Hsu KH, Huang YH, Tseng JS, Chen KC, Ku WH, Su KY, Chen JJW, Chen HW, Yu SL, Yang TY, Chang GC. (2019). High PD-L1 expression correlates with primary resistance to EGFR-TKIs in treatment naïve advanced EGFR-mutant lung adenocarcinoma patients. Lung Cancer 127:37-43. (SCI, I.F.= 5.705; Rank= RESPIRATORY SYSTEM= 13/64= 20.31%; Citations= 34).

  118. Lin MS, Hong TM, Chou TH, Yang SC, Chung WC, Weng CW, Tsai ML, Cheng TR, Chen JJW, Lee TC, Wong CH, Chein RJ, and Yang PC. (2019). 4(1H)-quinolone Derivatives Overcome Acquired Resistance to Anti-Microtubule Agents by Targeting the Colchicine Site of β-Tubulin. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 181:111584. (SCI, I.F.= 6.514; Rank= CHEMISTRY, MEDICINAL= 5/62= 8.06%; Citations= 7).

  119. Raghav L, Chang YH, Hsu YC, Li YC, Chen CY, Yang TY, Chen KC, Hsu KH, Tseng JS, Chuang CY, Lee MH, Wang CL, Chen HW, Yu SL, Su SF, Yuan SS, Chen JJW, Ho SY, Li KC, Yang PC, Chang GC, and Chen HY. (2020). Landscape of Mitochondria Genome and Clinical Outcomes in Stage 1 Lung Adenocarcinoma. Cancers (Basel) 12(3):755. (SCI, I.F.= 6.639; Rank= ONCOLOGY= 51/242= 21.07%; Citations= 4).

  120. Weng CW, Li JH, Tsai JY, Lin SH, Chang GC, Liu CC, and Chen JJW*. (2020). Pharmacophore-based virtual screening for the identification of the novel Src inhibitor SJG-136 against lung cancer cell growth and motility. American Journal of Cancer Research 10(6): 1668-1690. (SCI, I.F.= 6.166; Rank= ONCOLOGY= 64/242= 26.45%; Citations= 2).

  121. Hsiao YJ, Chang WH, Chen HY, Hsu YC, Chiu SC, Chiang CC, Chang GC, Chen YJ, Wang CY, Chen YM, Lin CY, Chen YJ, Yang PC, Chen JJW*, Yu SL. (2020). MITF functions as a tumor suppressor in non-small cell lung cancer beyond the canonically oncogenic role. Aging (Albany NY) 13(1): 646-674. (SCI, I.F.= 5.682; Rank= GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY= 10/53= 18.87%; Citations= 0).

  122. Hsu KH, Huang JW, Tseng JS, Chen KW, Weng YC, Yu SL, Yang TY, Huang YH, Chen JJW, Chen KC, Chang GC. (2021). Primary Tumor Radiotherapy During EGFR-TKI Disease Control Improves Survival of Treatment Naïve Advanced EGFR-Mutant Lung Adenocarcinoma Patients. OncoTargets and Therapy 14:2139–2148. (SCI, I.F.= 4.147; Rank= BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY= 53/159= 33.33%; Citations= 1).

  123. Huang YH, Tseng JS, Hsu KH, Chen KC, Su KY, Yu SL, Chen JJW, Yang TY, Chang GC. (2021). The impact of different first-line EGFR-TKIs on the clinical outcome of sequential osimertinib treatment in advanced NSCLC with secondary T790M. Scientific Reports 11(1):12084. (SCI, I.F.= 4.38; Rank= MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES= 17/72= 23.61%; Citations= 2).

  124. Lee PJ, Ho CC, Ho H, Chen WJ, Lin CH, Lai YH, Juan YC, Chu WC, Lee JH, Su SF, Chen HY, Chen JJW, Chang GC, Li KC, Yang PC, Chen HW. (2021). Tumor microenvironment-based screening repurposes drugs targeting cancer stem cells and cancer-associated fibroblasts. Theranostics 11(19):9667-9686. (SCI, I.F.= 11.556; Rank= MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL= 9/140= 6.43%; Citations= 0).

  125. Wang CC, Lin SY, Huang YH, Hsieh CH, Chang HH, Chen HY, Weng CW, Chang GC, Yu SL, and Chen JJW*. (2021). Paired-like homeodomain 2B contributes to tumour progression and anti-autophagy in human lung cancer. American Journal of Cancer Research 11(10):4900-4918. (SCI, I.F.= 6.166; Rank= ONCOLOGY= 64/242= 26.45%; Citations= 0).

  126. Chen DY, Huang YH, Chen YM, Chen JJW, Yang TY, Chang GC, and Tang KT. (2021). ANA positivity and complement level in pleural fluid are potential diagnostic markers in discriminating lupus pleuritis from pleural effusion of other aetiologies. Lupus Science & Medicine 8(1):e000562. (SCI, I.F.= 4.235; Rank= RHEUMATOLOGY= 17/34= 50%; Citations = 0).

  127. Hsu JK, Weng CW, Chen JJW, and Chen PJ. (2022). The ACE genes in Aphelenchoides besseyi isolates and their expression correlation to the fenamiphos treatment. Scientific Reports 12(1):1975. (SCI, I.F.= 4.38; Rank= MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES= 17/72= 23.61%; Citations= 0).

  128. Weng CW, Wei CH, Tsai JY, Lai YH, Chang GC, and Chen JJW*. (2022). Hybrid pharmacophore- and structure-based virtual screening pipeline to identify novel EGFR inhibitors that suppress non-small cell lung cancer cell growth. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23(7): 3487. (SCI, I.F.= 5.924; Rank= BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY= 67/295= 22.71%; Citations= 0).

  129. Huang YH, Hsu KH, Chin CS, Tseng JS, Yang TY, Chen KC, Su KY, Yu SL, Chen JJW*, Chang GC. (2022). The Clinical Outcomes of Different First-Line EGFR-TKIs plus Bevacizumab in Advanced EGFR-mutant Lung Adenocarcinoma. Cancer Res Treat. 54(2): 434-444. (SCI, I.F.= 4.679; Rank= ONCOLOGY= 101/242= 41.74%; Citations= 0).

  130. Huang YH, Hsu KH, Tseng JS, Yang TY, Chen KC, Su KY, Yu SL, Chen JJW*, and Chang GC. (2022). The Difference in Clinical Outcomes Between Osimertinib and Afatinib for First-line Treatment in Advanced and Recurrent EGFR Mutant Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Patients in Taiwan. Targeted Oncology 17(3): 295–306. (SCI, I.F.= 4.493; Rank= ONCOLOGY= 105/242= 43.39%; Citations= 0).

  131. Lai YH, Chang HH, Chen HW, Chang GC, and Chen JJW*. (2022). Peruvoside is a novel Src inhibitor that suppresses NSCLC cell growth and motility by downregulating multiple Src-EGFR-related pathways. American Journal of Cancer Research 12(6):2576-2593. (SCI, I.F.= 6.166; Rank= ONCOLOGY= 64/242= 26.45%; Citations= 0).

  132. Hsu KH, Tseng JS, Yang TY, Chen KC, Su KY, Yu SL, Chen JJW, Huang YH, Chang GC. (2022). PD-L1 strong expressions affect the clinical outcomes of osimertinib in treatment naïve advanced EGFR-mutant non-small cell lung cancer patients. Scientific Reports 12(1):9753. (SCI, I.F.= 4.38; Rank= MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES= 17/72= 23.61%; Citations= 0).



Symposium papers

  1. Chang ZP, Yang PC, and Chen JJW. Characterization of the protein-protein interaction between HLJ-1 and interacting proteins. Twelfth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, KenTing, February 2 to 4, 2005. pp. 100.

  2. Hsuan-Yu Chen, Sung-Liang Yu, Chun-Houh Chen, Wei-Jen Chen, Gee-Chen Chang, Chih-Yi Chen, Pan-Chyr Yang, Jeremy J.W. Chen. Microarray-identified gene signature predicts outcome and metastasis of non-small cell lung cancer patients. April 16-20, 2005, Anaheim, Orange Country, CA, USA, American Association for Cancer Research 96th Annual Meeting. (Abstract No. 2631) (Oral presentation)

  3. Sung-Liang Yu, Jeremy J.W. Chen, Su-Chin Chiu, Hsuan-Yu Chen, Gee-Chen Chang, Pan-Chyr Yang. Expression of Microphthalamia-associated Transcription Factor (MITF) Suppresses Cancer Cell Invasion and Tumorigenesis in Lung Cancer. April 16-20, 2005, Anaheim, Orange Country, CA, USA, American Association for Cancer Research 96th Annual Meeting. (Abstract No. 255)

  4. Hui-Tsu Huang, Ang Yuan, Jeremy J.W. Chen, Fu-Yuan Shih, Tzu-Hsing Kuo, Kwen-Tay Luh, Yung-Chie Lee, Chong-Jen Yu, Pan-Chyr Yang. Overexpression of fourvegf isoforms induces different patterns of neovaculature, increases in vitro cancer cell invasionand tumorigenesis in non-small cell lung cancer. April 16-20, 2005, Anaheim, Orange Country, CA, USA, American Association for Cancer Research 96th Annual Meeting. (Abstract No. 3880)

  5. 劉俊吉,高堂文,陳文賢,陳健尉,張培均。利用基因網路做癌症診斷。台中市中國醫藥大學,民國九十四年五月二十八日。

  6. Liu CC, Chen WS, Chen JJW, and Chang PC. Topological-based Classification Using Artificial Gene Networks. August 8-10, 2005, Irvine, CA, USA. IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics (IEEE ICCI-2005)

  7. Tzu-Pei Chang, Sung-Liang Yu, Sheg-Yi Lin, Pan-Chyr Yang, Jeremy J.W. Chen. HLJ1, a novel invasion/metastasis suppressor, regulates nucleophosmin translocation and function. April 1-5, 2006, Washington DC, USA, American Association for Cancer Research 97th Annual Meeting. (Abstract No. 2487)

  8. Shuenn-Chen Yang, Cheng-Chung Wu, Chiu-Wen Lin, Jeremy J.W. Chen, Tse-Ming Hong, Pan-Chyr Yang. Cox-2 inhibitor, up-regulates CRMP1 expression through Sp1 and CEBPα. April 1-5, 2006, Washington DC, USA, American Association for Cancer Research 97th Annual Meeting. (Abstract No. 3497)

  9. Yin-Hsiu Lu, Chueh-Ling Kuo, Jeremy J.W. Chen, Yuh-Min Chen, Pan Chyr Yang, Chao-Chi Ho. Down-regulation of caveolin-1 decreases the invasive and migration capability in CL1-5 cell. April 1-5, 2006, Washington DC, USA, American Association for Cancer Research 97th Annual Meeting. (Abstract No. 4150)

  10. Chi-Chung Wang, Meng-Feng Tsai , Tse-Ming Hong , Ting-Haw Dai , Jeremy J.W. Chen, Pan-Chyr Yang. Cloning and characterization of the novel invasion suppressor HLJ1 enhancer. April 1-5, 2006, Washington DC, USA, American Association for Cancer Research 97th Annual Meeting. (Abstract No. 887)

  11. Ang Yuan, Chun-Jen Wang, Jeremy J.W. Chen, Hsuan-Yu Chen, Kwen-Tay Luh, Yung-Chie Lee, Chong-Jen Yu, Pan-Chyr Yang. Regulation of gene expression and change of biologic characteristic in HUVEC after interaction with lung cancer cells. April 1-5, 2006, Washington DC, USA, American Association for Cancer Research 97th Annual Meeting. (Abstract No. 1663)

  12. Ang Yuan, Chen Chang, Huei-Tsu Huang, Jeremy J.W. Chen, Kwen-Tay Luh, Yung-Chie Lee, Chong-Jen Yu, Pan-Chry Yang. Biologic effects of four VEGF isoforms on the in vivo vascular perfusion and morphology of tumor-associated angiogenesis in non-small cell lung cancer-evaluated by MRI. April 1-5, 2006, Washington DC, USA, American Association for Cancer Research 97th Annual Meeting. (Abstract No. 1879)

  13. Tsai MC, Lin SY, Yang RB, Yang PC, and Chen JJW. HLJ1, a Member of Heat Shock Protein 40, Regulates Interleukin-8 Expression through Toll-like Receptor 2 Pathway. Fourteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, KenTing, January 18 to 20, 2006. pp. 129.

  14. Dai TH, Lin SY, Yang PC, and Chen JJW. The Study of Protein-Protein Interaction between a Novel Tumor/Metastasis Suppressor HLJ1 and Beta-Actin. Fourteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, KenTing, January 18 to 20, 2006. pp. 119.

  15. Lai YH, Lin SY, Chen HW, and Chen JJW. Health-care herb screening of inhibiting lung cancer cell proliferation and metastasis: Utilizing HLJ1 promoter reporter gene assay. Fourteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, KenTing, January 18 to 20, 2006. pp. 124.

  16. Tsai MF, Wang CC, Chang GC, Chen CY, Chen HY, Cheng CL, Liu CC, Lin HP, Jou YS, Chen WJ, Chan WK, Chen JJW, and Yang PC. A New Tumor Suppressor DnaJ-like Heat Shock Protein HLJ1 and Survival of Patients with Non–Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma. Asia-Pacific Congress on Lung Cancer in Conjunction with the 10th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Cooperative Oncology Group, Taipei, December 2 to 3, 2006.

  17. Liu CC, Chen WSE, Chang PC, Yang PC, and Chen JJW. The integrated bioinformatics study for computational systems biology. Fifteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, KenTing, February 1 to 3, 2007.

  18. Sung-Liang Yu, Te-Jen Su, Jeremy J.W. Chen, and Pan-Chyr Yang. Analysis of NGF expression and its biological role in lung cancer. April 14-18, 2007, Los Angeles, USA, American Association for Cancer Research 98th Annual Meeting. (Abstract No. 5284)

  19. Ang Yuan, Yi-Fang Chen, Jeremy JW Chen, Sung-Liang Yu, Huei-Wen Chen, Hsuan-Yu Chen, Kwen-Tay Luh, Yung-Chie, Lee, Chong-Jen Yu, Pan-Chyr Yang. HUVEC- cancer cells interaction increases cytoskeleton rearrangement, microvessel tubular formation and decreases apoptosis, and induces gene expression profile changes in HUVEC in non-small cell lung cancer. April 14-18, 2007, Los Angeles, USA, American Association for Cancer Research 98th Annual Meeting. (Abstract No. 3824)

  20. Lin C, Shih W, Hung Y, Lee T, Chen JJW, Tsai M. Over-expression of miR-16 inhibits cell proliferation in lung adenocarcinoma cells. In: Proceedings of the 99th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research; 2008 Apr 12-16; San Diego, CA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; 2008. (Abstract No. 3445)

  21. Huang A, Su T, Lin A, Yang P, Chen JJW, Yu S. MicroRNA-372 promotes metastasis in non-small cell lung cancer. In: Proceedings of the 99th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research; 2008 Apr 12-16; San Diego, CA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; 2008. (Abstract No. 5061)

  22. Chen W, Chen H, Yu S, Yu C, Juan Y, Lee J, Ho C, Chen H, Chen JJW, Yang CJ, Yang P. Baicalein inhibits tumor migration and invasion by modulating cell adhesion and declining RhoA pathway in highly invasive non-small-cell lung cancer cells. In: Proceedings of the 99th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research; 2008 Apr 12-16; San Diego, CA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; 2008. (Abstract No. 4151)

  23. Chang C, Ma C, Yang P, Chen JJW. Invasion-promoting effect of krüppel-like factor 4 on non-small cell lung cancer cells. In: Proceedings of the 99th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research; 2008 Apr 12-16; San Diego, CA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; 2008. (Abstract No. 3451)

  24. Yuan A, Cheng H, Chen Y, Wan P, Chen JJW, Yu S, Wang C, Yang P. Identification of differentially expressed miRNAs in lung cancer cell with 4 VEGF isoforms overexpression. In: Proceedings of the 99th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research; 2008 Apr 12-16; San Diego, CA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; 2008. (Abstract No. 440)

  25. Chen H, Yu S, Chang G, Chen H, Li K, Chen JJW, Yang P. MicroRNA signature predicts survival and relapse in lung cancer. In: Proceedings of the 99th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research; 2008 Apr 12-16; San Diego, CA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; 2008. (Abstract No. 4432)

  26. Lin S, Hsueh C, Yu S, Wang C, Chang G, Chen JJW. Ectopic expression of a novel tumor suppressor DnaJ-like Heat Shock Protein, HLJ1, enhances ultraviolet-induced apoptosis in non-small cell lung carcinoma. In: Proceedings of the 100th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research; 2009 Apr 18-22; Denver, CO. Philadelphia. Abstract nr 4455.

  27. Lai Y, Chen H, Yu S, Chen H, Yuan A, Tsai M, Chen JJW. Study of the effect of andrographolide on increasing HLJ1 expression and inhibiting human lung adenocarcinoma cell in vitro and in vivo. In: Proceedings of the 100th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research; 2009 Apr 18-22; Denver, CO. Philadelphia. Abstract nr 1725.

  28. Su K, Hsu C, Yang C, Chen JJW, Li K, Yang P, Yu S, Chen H. Functional characterization of a sperm protein, SPANX-A1, in lung cancer progression. In: Proceedings of the 100th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research; 2009 Apr 18-22; Denver, CO. Philadelphia. Abstract nr 1033.

  29. Hsu C, Hsu C, Su K, Yeh J, Chen JJW, Yang P, Yu S. Functional characterization of a novel tumor-related gene, C4ORF18, in lung cancer. In: Proceedings of the 100th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research; 2009 Apr 18-22; Denver, CO. Philadelphia. Abstract nr 1051.

  30. Lai Y, Chen H, Chen C, Chen JJW. Use of mouse CpG islands microarray for high-throughput analysis of the hepatocellular carcinoma in HBx protein overexpressed transgenic mice. In: Proceedings of the 100th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research; 2009 Apr 18-22; Denver, CO. Philadelphia. Abstract nr 5203.

  31. Chen Y, Cheng H, Yuan A, Chen H, Yu S, Chen JJW, Yang P. VEGF 121 and 165 have different effects on function and gene expression of endothelial cells during angiogenesis. In: Proceedings of the 100th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research; 2009 Apr 18-22; Denver, CO. Philadelphia. Abstract nr 4075.

  32. Chen Jian-Wei, Tsai meng-Feng, Chen Hsuan-Yu, Yu Sung-Liang, Wang Chi-Chung, Chang Cee-Chen, Yang Pan-Chyr. Application of Microarray in Lung Cancer Study: From A single-Gene identification to A Multi-Gene Signature. In: The 8th cross Strait Symposium on Biomedical and Bioengineering Research /the 21st IUBMB and the 12th FAOBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2009-congress), 2009 Aug. 2-5th, Shanghai. (Oral presentation)

  33. Yi-Jing Hsiao, Ang Yuan, Sung-Liang Yu, Huei-wen Chen, Jeremy J.W. Chen, Pan-Chyr Yang. The impact of M1/M2 tumor-associated macrophage (TAM) polarization on cancer progression in NSCLC. AACR/JCA Joint Conference, February 5-9, 2010, Waikoloa, Hawaii.

  34. Sheng-Yi Lin, Yueh-Hsun Lee, Chi-Mei Hsueh, Sung-Liang Yu, Gee-Chen Chang*, and Jeremy J.W. Chen*. Enforced Expression of PRL-3 Inhibits Cell Invasion and Proliferation on NSCLC Carcinoma. AACR/JCA Joint Conference, February 5-9, 2010, Waikoloa, Hawaii.

  35. Ching-Hsien Chen, Sheng-Yi Lin, Hsuan-Yu Chen, Chi-Chung Wang, Jeremy J.W. Chen. Acidic stress facilitates tyrosine phosphorylation of HLJ1 to associate with actin cytoskeleton in lung cancer cells. AACR/JCA Joint Conference, February 5-9, 2010, Waikoloa, Hawaii

  36. Lin Sheng-Yi, Lee Yue-Syun, Chang Cee-Chen, Chen Jian-Wei . Enforced Expression of PRL3 Suppresses Lung Cancer Invasion and tumorigenesis through Inhibition of Src Activity.In: The 15th Taiwan Joint Cancer Conference. 2010 May 1-2nd, Taipei.

  37. Chen Jing-Shan, Yin Tsuen-Ying, Chen Hung-Jen, Jan Bo-Jau, Yu S, Yang Pan-Chyr, Chen Jian-Wei. HLJ1 Interacts with Src to Suppress Lung Cancer Metastasis by Regulating Src Activity and β-catenin Signling. In: The 15th Taiwan Joint Cancer Conference. 2010 May 1-2nd, Taipei.

  38. Lai Yi-Hua, Yu Sung-Lian, Chen Jian-Wei. Study of the effect of MAPRE2 on human lung adenocarcinoma cell migration and invasion. In: The 15th Taiwan Joint Cancer Conference. 2010 May 1-2nd, Taipei.

  39. Chin-Chung Lin, Wen-Chao Shih, Yu-Ju Hung, Gee-Chen Chang, Tai-Lin Lee, Meng-Feng Tsai, Jeremy Jian-Wei Chen. Over-expression of miR-16 inhibits cell proliferation in lung adenocarcinoma cells. In: The 15th Taiwan Joint Cancer Conference. 2010 May 1-2nd, Taipei.

  40. Chien-Hung Chen, Sheng-Yi Lin, Bo-Shiung Yang, Jeremy J.W. Chen Characterization of p54nrb/NonO Promoter and Cell Function in NSCLC. In: The 15th Taiwan Joint Cancer Conference. 2010 May 1-2nd, Taipei.

  41. Chen JJW. Chairman in “Molecular Genetics” session. Taiwan-ACGA 2010 International Conference on Genetics and Genomics. 2010 May 2-5, Taipei.

  42. Chen Ching-Hsien, Chen Hsuan-Yu, Lin Sheng-Yi, Tsai Meng-Feng, Yi Sung-Liang, Chen Jeremy Jian-Wei. YWHAZ promotes Slug transcription activity and lung cancer metastasis. In: the AACR 102nd Annual Meeting; 2011 April 2-6; Orlando, Florida. Abstract nr 3440.

  43. Ho Chiu-Yi, Lee Tai-Lin, Hsu Hui-Chen, Chen Jeremy J.W., Meng-Feng Tsai. MicroRNA (miR127) promotes cell migration and invasion in lung adenocarcinoma cells. In: the AACR 102nd Annual Meeting; 2011 April 2-6; Orlando, Florida. Abstract nr 3947.

  44. Lin Sheng-Yi, Chen Ching-Hsien, Yu Sung-Liang, Wang Chi-Chung, Chang Gee-Chen, Chen Jeremy J.W.. Effect of the protein complex formation of a novel tumer suppressor HLJ1 and nuclear protein p54nrb human lung adenocarcinoma cell migration and invasion. In: the AACR 102nd Annual Meeting; 2011 April 2-6; Orlando, Florida. Abstract nr 2188.

  45. Wang Chi-Chung, Lin Ai-Me, Lai Yi-Hua, Lin Sheng-Yi, Yang Pan-Chyr, Chen Jeremy J.W.. Dimethyl sulfoxide induces upregulation of tumor suppressor HLJ1 through activator protein-1 activation in human lung adenocarcinoma CL1-5 cells. In: the AACR 102nd Annual Meeting; 2011 April 2-6; Orlando, Florida. Abstract nr 2360.

  46. Lai Yi-Hua, Chen Jeremy J.W., Chen Hsiao-Ling, Chen Chuan-Mu. The effect of methylation-controlled DnaJD1 in hepatitis B virus X protein experssed hepatocellular carcinoma.  In: the AACR 102nd Annual Meeting; 2011 April 2-6; Orlando, Florida. Abstract nr 2416.

  47. Chen JJW. Chairman. International Symposium on Application of NGS Genomic and Epigenomics. 2011 June 27, Taipei.

  48. Yi-Hua Lai, Ching-Hsien, Chen, Meng-Feng Tsai, Huei-Wen Chen, Kang-Yi Su, Ang Yuan, Jeremy J.W. Chen. Study of the effect of MAPRE2 on human lung adenocarcinoma cell migration and invasion. In: 103th American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting; 2012 Mar 31-April 4; McCormick Place West Chicago, IL. Abstract nr 77.

  49. Ching-Hsien, Chen, Sheng-Yi Lin, Hsuan-Yu Chen, Kang-Yi Su, Ang Yuan, Huei-Wen Chen, Sung-Liang Yu, Jeremy J.W. Chen. HLJ1 serves as an inhibitor of epithelial-mesenchymal transition by inactivating β–catenin signaling. In: 103th American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting; 2012 Mar 31-April 4; McCormick Place West Chicago, IL. Abstract nr 3432.

  50. Sheng-Yi Lin, Yi-Hua Lai, Chi-Chung Wang, Meng-Feng Tsai, Sung-Liang Yu, Gee-Chen Chang, Jeremy J.W. Chen, Chi-Chung Wang. Overexpression of PTPN2 promotes lung cancer cell proliferation through ERK activation. In: 103th American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting; 2012 Mar 31-April 4; McCormick Place West Chicago, IL. Abstract nr 4183.

  51. Ya-Jung Liu Sung-Liang Yu, Jeremy J.W. Chen. Overexpression of homeobox A5 decreases the invasive and migration capabilities of lung cancer cells. In: 103th American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting; 2012 Mar 31-April 4; McCormick Place West Chicago, IL. Abstract nr 4320.

  52. Chi-Chung Wang, Sung-Liang Yu, Chiou-Ling Cheng, Hsuan-Yu Chen, Ang Yuan, Huei-Wen Chen, Jeremy J. W. Chen. Paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 2 promotes tumorigenesis in non-small-cell lung cancer. In: The 71th Annual Meeting of Japan Cancer Association; 2012 Sep 19-21; Sapporo, Japan. Abstract nr 200060.

  53. Chi-Chung Wang, Yi-Hua Lai, Yu-Lin Ai, Huei-Wen Chen, Hsuan-yu Chen, Jeremy J.W Chen. VEGF-targeting drug-screening identified a novel compound that can suppress tumor growth, invasion, and angiogenesis in non-samll cell lung cancer. In: 9th AACR/JCA Association Joint Conference: Breakthroughs in Basic and Translational Cancer Research; 2013 Feb 21-25; Maui, Hawaii. pp. 143 (Poster session B67)

  54. Chi-Sheng Chang, Ya-Hsuan Chang, Yi-Chiung Hus, Sung-Liang Yu, Jeremy Jian-Wei Chen, Huei-Wen Chen, Ang Yuan, Szu-Hua Pan, Hsuan-Yu Chen. Discovery of gene signature via pathways and meta-analysis in lung adenocarcinoma. In: 9th AACR/JCA Association Joint Conference: Breakthroughs in Basic and Translational Cancer Research; 2013 Feb 21-25; Maui, Hawaii. pp. 262 (Poster session D18)

  55. Kang-Yi Su, Ching-Cheng Chiang, Szu-Hua Pan, Hsuan-Yu Chen, Jeremy J.W. Chen, Sung-Liang Yu. Micropathalamia-associated Transcription Factor (MITF) is a Tumor Suppressor to Reduce Tumor Malignancy in Lung Cancer. In: The 73rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association (JCA); 2014 Sep 25-27; Yokohama, Japan. pp. 64 (English Oral sessions E-1028)

  56. Sung-Liang Yu, Chun-Chieh Chen, Hsuan-Yu Chen, Kang-Yi Su, Szu-Hua Pan, Jeremy J.W. Chen. Shisa3, a novel tumor suppressor gene, associated withprolonged survival via WNT pathway in lung cancer. In: The 73rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association (JCA); 2014 Sep 25-27; Yokohama, Japan. pp.106 (Poster P-1061)

  57. Sheng-Yi Lin, Yi-Hua Lai, Hsuan-Yu Chen, Sung-Liang Yu, Huei-Wen Chen and Jeremy J.W. Chen. Digoxin suppresses tumor growth and invasion through inhibiting Src activation in non-small-cell lung cancer. In: The 73rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association (JCA); 2014 Sep 25-27; Yokohama, Japan. pp. 130 (Poster P-1331)

  58. Yi-Hua Lai, Sheng-Yi Lin, Sung-Liang Yu, Hsuan-Yu Chen, Huei-Wen Chen, Jeremy J.W. Chen. The novel Src-targeted compound, Rhodomycin A, can suppress lung cancer cell progression. In: The 73rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association (JCA); 2014 Sep 25-27; Yokohama, Japan. pp. 137 (Poster P-1412)

  59. Sheng-Fang Su, Hsuan-Yu Chen, Chun-Chi Liu, Sung-Liang Yu, Jeremy JW Chen, Huei-Wen Chen, Ker-Chau Li. A Prognostic Cancer Stemness Gene Expression Signature for Lung Adenocarcinoma Patients. In: The 73rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association (JCA); 2014 Sep 25-27; Yokohama, Japan. pp. 168 (IS7-6)

  60. Chi-Sheng Chang, Yi-CHiung Hsu, Sheng-Yi Lin, Ke-Ting Fu, Sung-Liang Yu, Jeremy Jian-Wei Chen, Hsuan-Yu Chen, Ker-Chau Li. High Throughput Sequencing Approach for HLA Genotyping in Multiple Cancer Types. In: The 73rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association (JCA); 2014 Sep 25-27; Yokohama, Japan. pp. 171 (English Oral sessions E-2064)

  61. Huei-Wen Chen, Sheng-Fang Su, Wan-Jiun Chen, Hsuan-Yu Chen, Jeremy JW Chen, Sung-Liang Yu, Ker-Chao Li. Crosstalk between cancer stem cell and stroma cell in lung adenocarcinoma. In: The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association (JCA); 2015 Oct 8-10; Nagoya, Japan. pp.116 (Poster P-1213)

  62. Yi-Hua Lai, Sheng-Yi Lin, Sung-Liang Yu, Hsuan-Yu Chen, Huei-Wen Chen, Jeremy JW Chen. Identification of the candidate compound, AC93253 iodide, targeting Src to inhibit lung cancer progression in NSCLC. In: The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association (JCA); 2015 Oct 8-10; Nagoya, Japan. pp.187 (Poster P-2181)

  63. Sheng-Fang Su, Hao Ho, Hsuan-Yu Chen, Sung-Liang Yu, Jeremy JW Chen, Huei-Wen Chen, Ker-Chau Li. Gene expression pattern define cancer-associated fibroblasts from lung cancer patients. In: The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association (JCA); 2015 Oct 8-10; Nagoya, Japan. pp.260 (Poster P-3135)

  64. Sheng-Yi Lin, Yu-Han Huang, Yi-Hua Lai, Sung-Liang Yu, Sheng-Fang Su, Tse-Ming Hong, Chi-Chung Wang, Gee-Chen Chang, and Jeremy J.W. Chen. The role of paired-like homeodomain 2B in non-small cell lung cancer progression. In: 108th American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting; 2017 April 1-5; Washington DC, USA. Abstract nr 4450.

  65. Yi-Hua Lai, Sheng-Yi Lin, Yao-Ting Huang, Yuh-Ling Chen, Hsuan-Yu Chen, Huei-Wen Chen and Jeremy J.W. Chen. Study of the mechanisms of E2375 on inhibiting NSCLC tumor progression and attenuating EGFR signaling pathway. In: 108th American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting; 2017 April 1-5; Washington DC, USA. Abstract nr 4452.

  66. Ming-Fang Wu, Chao-Chi Ho, Hsiang-Yuan Yeh, Jeremy JW Chen, Huei-Wen Chen. Lung cancer stem cells modulate the T cell function in the tumor microenvironment. In: The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association (JCA); 2017 Sep 28-30; Yokohama, Japan.

  67. Yi-Hua Lai, Sheng-Fang Su, Huei-Wen Chen, and Jeremy J.W. Chen. Identification of the lead compounds targeting Src and their underlying mechanisms in lung cancer progression. In: The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association (JCA); 2018 Sep 27-29; Osaka International Convention Center, Japan. (Abstract No.: P-3377).

  68. Yi-Hua Lai, Yu-Lin Ai, Chi-Chung Wang, Meng-Feng Tsai, Sheng-Fang Su, Huei-Wen Chen, and Jeremy J.W. Chen. Drug Screenings of Inhibiting Lung Cancer Angiogenesis by VEGF Promoter Reporter Gene Assay. In: The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association (JCA); 2019 Sep 26-28; Kyoto, Japan. (Abstract No.: E-3024).

  69. Chia-Wei Weng, Jia-Hua Li, Yi-Hua Lai, Sung-Liang Yu, Hsuan-Yu Chen, Yao-Ting Huang, and Jeremy J.W. Chen. Virtual Screening for the Identification of a Novel Src Inhibitor PBD against Lung Cancer Cell Progression. In: The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association (JCA); 2019 Sep 26-28; Kyoto, Japan. (Abstract No.: P-3196).


Book, chapter and thesis

  1. 陳健尉。2000。二十一世紀基因分析的利器-基因微陣列之簡介及其應用。生物醫學報導,第二期:18-25頁。

  2. 陳健尉。2003。生物晶片之生技應用。生物科技產學論壇,第一期:23-27頁。

  3. 陳健尉。2004。生物晶片:技術發展及在生命科學上之應用。「進階生物技術」第十五章。(教育部生物技術教育改進計劃)

  4. 陳健尉、姚培莉、楊泮池。2004。基因微陣列之實務操作與分析。金名圖書有限公司。


Patent and technology transfer

    1. Peck K, Chen JJW, Yang PC, Wu R, Chang F, Chu YW, and Wu CW. (2001). Methods for Detecting Differentially Expressed Genes. USA patent (US 6,218,114 B1)

    2. Yang PC, Shih JY, Chen JJW, Peck K, Wu CW, Hong TM, and Yang SC. (2003). Carcinoma Invasion Inhibitor: Collapsin response mediator protein-1. New Zealand patent (NZ 519788) and South Africa patent (ZA 2002/4907)

    3. Chen JJW, Yang PC, Peck K, Hong TM, Yang SC, Wu CW. (2004). Metastasis-Associated Genes. (NZ 519789) ( NSC-89-2314-B-002-487-M54; NSC-89-2314-B-002-108-M54; NSC-89-2314-B-001-006; NSC-89-2314-B-001-017)

    4. 陳健尉、楊順貞、楊泮池、白果能、吳成文、施金元、洪澤民。(2006)。腦衰蛋白反應媒介蛋白-1當作腫瘤轉移診斷指標及治療之用途。2006/4/1~2022/6/23。(中華民國,發明第I 252314號)

    5. Yang PC, Hong TM, Chen JJW, Wu CC, Shin JY, Lee YJ. (2007). Collapsin response mediator protein-1 (CRMP-1) transcriptional regulatory nucleic acid sequences. (US patent 7,211,660)

    6. Yang PC, Shih JY, Chen JJW, Peck K, Wu CW, Hong TM, Yang SC. (2008). Collapsin response mediator protein-1. (US patent 7,354,709 B2) ( NSC-89-2314-B-002-487-M54; NSC-89-2314-B-002-108-M54; NSC-89-2314-B-001-006; NSC-89-2314-B-001-017)

    7. Chen JJW, Yu SL, Chen HY, Chang GC, Chen CY, and Yang PC. (2010). Predicting post-treatment survival in cancer patients with microRNAs. (US patent 7,745,134 B2) (NSC94-3112-B002-022 and DOH96-TD-G-111-011, NSC95-3114-P-002-005-Y)

    8. Chou YT, Terng HJ, Chen HY, Yu SL, Chen JJW, and Yang PC. (2011). Metastasis- associated gene profiling for identification of tumor tissue, subtyping, and prediction of prognosis of patients. (US Patent 7,955,800)

    9. 俞松良、陳璿宇、陳志毅、張基晟、陳健尉、楊泮池。(2012)。用微核醣核酸預測經治療之癌症患者存活率的方法。2012/7/11~2028/4/8。(中華民國,發明第I 367949號)

    10. 陳惠文、李仁譯、楊泮池、俞松良、陳健尉、楊志新、何肇基、李國雄、曾宇鳳、張基晟。(2013)。薑黃素或其類似物於使用上皮細胞生長因子接受器酪胺酸激酶抑制劑之癌症醫療之用途。2013/08/21~2031/02/10。(中華民國,發明第I405566號)

    11. 陳健尉、陳靜嫻、俞松良、張基晟。(2013)。抑制Src酪胺酸激酶活性的方法。2013/12/11~2031/05/24。(中華民國,發明第I418360號)

    12. 陳健尉、黃耀廷、蘇毓涵。(2015)。利用長定序片段重組核酸序列之方法及其電腦系統與電腦程式產品。2015/04/21~2033/01/14。(中華民國,發明第I482042號)

    13. 技術移轉:

(1).基因微陣顯色分析法(Method for Detecting Differentially Expressed Genes)技術移轉給國內外共五家生技公司(如下表)。技轉金額每家公司兩百萬至三百萬不等,其中一部份為股票(由中研院代管)。

(2).「Metastasis-Associated Genes」及「Collapsin response mediator protein-1」已技轉給國內生技公司(如下表)。技轉金額分別為兩百萬台幣。




  1. 台灣基因體暨遺傳學會理事長(2014/06~2020/05)

  2. 台灣基因體暨遺傳學會理事(2011/08~迄今)

  3. 台灣基因體暨遺傳學會秘書長(2008/08~2011/07)

  4. 美國癌症研究協會會員(active membership)

  5. Editorial board member, American Journal of Cancer Research

  6. Editorial board membership, MicroRNA journal

  7. Editorial board/academic editor, PLOS ONE journal

  8. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research

  9. Academic editor/Topics Board, International Journal of Molecular Sciences



1. Journal of Biomedical Science; 2. Lung Cancer; 3. DNA and Cell Biology; 4. Nucleic Acids Research; 5. Bioinformatics; 6. BMC Bioinformatics; 7. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica; 8. EMBO Molecular Medicine; 9. Plant Methods; 10. PLoS ONE; 11. International Journal of Molecular Sciences; 12. Molecular Biology Reports; 13. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine; 14. Genes; 15. Carcinogenesis; 16. Human and Experimental Toxicology; 17. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine; 18. Thoracic Cancer; 19. Mediators of Inflammation; 20. Tumor Biology; 21. Biochemistry; 22. Plant and Cell Physiology; 23. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology; 24. Oncotarget; 25. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A; 26. PLOS Genetics; 27. Scientific Reports; 28. Journal of Hematology & Oncology; 29. OncoTargets and Therapy; 30. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research; 31. Cancer Management and Research; 32. Journal of Clinical Medicine; 33. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy; 34. Translational Lung Cancer Research; 35.台灣醫學會雜誌。.








  1. 科技部「特約研究計畫」補助(2021-2024)。

  2. 科技部「特約研究計畫」補助(2018-2021)。

  3. 國科會傑出研究獎 (2010~2013)。

  4. 國科會傑出研究獎 (2007~2010)。

  5. 國科會傑出技術移轉貢獻獎(2008)。

  6. 國科會傑出學者研究計畫補助(2009/08/01 ~ 2012/07/31)。

  7. 參與之計畫獲選為國科會「科學50」成就之ㄧ。

  8. 國科會甲種研究獎勵(2000)。

  9. 台灣癌症醫療貢獻獎(第十六屆台灣癌症聯合學術年會頒發) (2011/4)。

  10. 國立中興大學講座教授(2019/8)。

  11. 國立中興大學終身特聘教授(2018/10)。

  12. 國立中興大學榮譽特聘教授(2014)。

  13. 國立中興大學「興大之光」獎(第二次,2010/9)。

  14. 國立中興大學98年度建教合作研究計畫績優獎(2010/9)。

  15. 國立中興大學特聘教授(2008~迄今)。

  16. 國立中興大學研究績優獎(95及96年度)。

  17. 國立中興大學「興大之光」獎(2006/9)。

  18. 國立中興大學「青年教師研究績優獎」(2006/3)。

  19. 歐洲生殖及胚胎醫學會。看板論文比賽第一名(2001及2003)。

  20. 台中榮民總醫院與中區各大學108年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會:壁報論文特優等。

  21. 台中榮民總醫院與中區各大學108年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會:論文競賽獎。

  22. 台中榮民總醫院與中區各大學103年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會:壁報論文第三名。

  23. 台中榮民總醫院與中區各大學102年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會:口頭報告第二名。

  24. 台中榮民總醫院與中區各大學102年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會:壁報論文第二名。

  25. 台中榮民總醫院與中區各大學101年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會:壁報論文第一名。

  26. 台中榮民總醫院與中區各大學99年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會:優良論文獎。

  27. 台中榮民總醫院與中部八大院校96年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會:壁報論文第三名。

  28. 台中榮民總醫院與中部八大院校95年度合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會:壁報論文第三名。




  1. 指導研究生及博士後研究員獲得「第十八屆台灣癌症聯合學術年會」壁報論文競賽佳作 (2013/7/13)。

  2. 指導研究生獲得「台中榮民總醫院暨國立中興大學生物醫學研究所101學年度碩博士生研究成果發表會」第二名及第三名。(2013/5/18-19)。

  3. 指導研究生獲得「國立中興大學學生學術論文獎學金」(2013)。

  4. 指導研究生獲得「第十六屆台灣癌症聯合學術年會」,壁報論文競賽基礎組第一名(2011)。

  5. 指導研究生獲得第19屆細胞及分子生物新知研討會「徐千田優秀論文獎」第一名(2011)。

  6. 指導研究生獲得「台灣基因體暨遺傳學會2010年轉譯醫學研討會暨論文競賽」第二名。

  7. 指導研究生獲得「國立中興大學學生學術論文獎學金」,連續兩次獲獎(2010)。

  8. 指導台中一中學生參加台灣國際科展,榮獲醫學與健康科學大會一等獎;並代表台灣參加美國英特爾國際科展,獲得四等獎;國科會赴日科學交流,榮獲研究專題報告一等獎(2010年)。

  9. 指導研究生獲得「第十五屆台灣癌症聯合學術年會」,壁報論文競賽基礎組第1名及佳作(2010年5月)。

  10. 指導研究生獲得「第十四屆台灣癌症聯合學術年會」,壁報論文競賽基礎組第3名(2009年5月)。

  11. 指導研究生獲得「台灣基因體暨遺傳學會2009年轉譯醫學研討會暨論文競賽」前三名。

  12. 經濟部工業局97年度生物技術研發成果創意應用競賽「佳作獎」。

  13. 指導研究生獲得「國立中興大學學生學術論文獎學金」,連續兩次獲獎(2008)。

  14. 指導研究生獲得2007年第15屆中華民國細胞及分子生物學學會「徐千田優秀論文獎」。

  15. 指導研究生獲得中興大學「第12屆中興科學獎」,博士班組第一名(2006/5)。

  16. 指導研究生獲得「國立中興大學學生學術論文獎學金」,連續兩次獲獎(2006)。

  17. 指導研究生獲得第八屆中西醫藥應用與工程科技研討會。優勝論文獎(2005/5)。