Yi-Mei Lin
Associate Professor
PhD,National Cheng Kung University
Research areas
- 複雜型疾病之致病基因及相關標誌研究:
- 研究轉錄因子POU3F2之基因調控網路及於疾病上之角色:
利用全基因體(NGS-based ChIP-seq, microarray)及生物資訊工具,搜尋一重要轉錄因子POU3F2 (OCT7, N-Oct3)調控之下游基因,並針對其所參與之基因轉錄調節及其在癌症及神經發育等病理機轉中之角色作進一步分析。
Courses offering
Work Experience
第四屆林榮耀基金會優秀壁報論文獎, 2007
Academic Works
- Lin Y.M.J., Hsin I.L., Sun H.S., Lin S., Lai Y.L., Chen H.Y., Chen T.Y., Chen Y.P., Shen Y.T., and *Wu H.M. NTF3 Is a Novel Target Gene of the Transcription Factor POU3F2 and Is Required for Neuronal Differentiation. Molecular Neurobiology. 55(11):8403-8413, 2018.
- Huang WVW, Lin YMJ, Chiu CCJ, Chiu CH, Chang FS. Evaluation of Age-Gene correlation and the association with hypertriglyceridemia using adiponectin receptor single nucleotide polymorphism: A potential genetic screening to lower risk of vascular disease in young asian males. Higher Education Studies, 7(2): 61-66, 2017.
- Wang CT, Chen TM, Mei CT, Chang CF, Liu LL, Chiu KH, Wu TM, Lan YC, Liu WS, Chen YH, Lin YMJ. The Functional haplotypes of CHRM3 modulate mRNA expression and associate with bladder cancer among a Chinese Han population in Kaohsiung City. BioMed Research International, Article ID 4052846, 2016.
- Chen HY, Lee YH, Chen HY, Yeh CA, Chueh PJ, Lin YMJ. Capsaicin inhibited aggressive phenotypes through downregulation of Tumor-Associated NADH Oxidase (tNOX) by POU domain transcription factor POU3F2. Molecules, 21(6). pii: E733, 2016
- Lin YMJ, Hsu CD, Hsieh HY, Tseng CCA, Sun HS. Sequence variants of the HTR3A gene contribute to the genetic prediction of postoperative nausea in Taiwan. Journal of Human Genetics, 59(12):655-60, 2014
- Lin YMJ, Hsu CD, Hsieh HY, Tseng CCA. The female-specific effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3A gene on postoperative vomiting in Taiwan. Biomarkers and Genomic Medicine, 6(2): 59-66, 2014
- Chao SC, Chen JS, Tsai CH, Lin JYM, Lin YJ, Sun HS. Novel exon nucleotide substitution at the splice junction causes a neonatal Marfan syndrome. Clinical Genetics, 77(5):453-63, 2010
- Lin YMJ, Ko HC, Chang FM, Yeh TL, and Sun HS. Population-specific functional variant of the TPH2 gene 2755C>A polymorphism contributes risk association to major depression and anxiety in Chinese peripartum women. Archives of Women's Mental Health 12: 401-408, 2009.
- Lin YMJ, Davamani F, Yang WC, Lai TJ, and Sun HS. Association analysis of monoamine oxidase A Gene and Bipolar Affective Disorder in Han Chinese. Behavioral and Brain Functions 4: 21, 2008.
- Lin YMJ, Chao SC, Chen TM, Lai TJ, Chen JS, and Sun HS, Association of functional polymorphisms of the human tryptophan hydroxylase 2 gene with risk for bipolar disorder in Han Chinese. Archives of General Psychiatry 64(9): 1015-24, 2007.
- Lai TJ, Wu CW, Tsai HW, Lin YMJ, and Sun HS, “2005. Polymorphism screening and haplotype analysis of the tryptophan hydroxylase gene (TPH1) and association with bipolar affective disorder in Taiwan,” BMC Medical Genetics 6: 14-23, 2005.
- Lin YMJ, Yang HC, Lai TJ, Fann CSJ, and Sun HS. Receptor-mediated effect of serotonergic transmission in patients with bipolar affective disorder. Journal of Medical Genetics 40: 781-786, 2003.
- Li-Chi Chi, Paul Peter Li, and Yi-Mei Joy Lin (2019, Apr). Genetic Association of Functional Polymorphisms in POU3F2 Gene with Bipolar Affective Disorder. Paper presented at HUGO HGM2019. Seoul, South Korea. 本人為通訊作者.
- Chun Yung Huang, Hung Yen Chen, Chi Ru Wu, Yi-Mei Joy Lin (2018, Jul). Capsaicin inhibits gastric cancer cells through POU3F2 downregulation. Asia Pacific Society for Biology and Medical Sciences (APSBMS) 2018 Annual Meeting, Hokkaido, Japan. Invited speaker, 本人為通訊作者.
- Chen H.Y., Lou Y.S., and Lin Y.M.J. (2016, Jan) Study of the Human POU3F2 Gene Mediated Cell Proliferation in Gastric Cancer Cell. The twenty-fourth symposium on recent advances in cellular and molecular biology. Kenting, Taiwan. 本人為通訊作者.
- Shen Y,T., and Lin Y.M.J. (2012, May). POU3F2 mediated regulation in neuronal differentiated model reveals a candidate target gene, neurotrophin-3. 2012轉譯醫學之基因體與蛋白質體臨床應用研討會, 台中, 台灣. 本人為通訊作者.
- Lin Y.M. J. (2011, Nov). Genome-wide integrated analysis of POU3F2 mediated regulation in neuronal differentiation model. 2011 Systems Biology and Bioinformatics Symposium. 本人為通訊作者.
- Li C.E., and Lin Y.M.J. (2011, May). Genetic analysis of POU3F2 gene in Chinese Han population. 2011轉譯醫學之基因體與蛋白質體臨床應用研討會,台中, 台灣. 本人為通訊作者.
- Y.-M. J. Lin, S.C. Chao, C-H. Chen, and H.S. Sun, “Comparison of TPH2 sequence variability among Taiwan aboriginal populations: Application on association study of schizophrenia. ,” Paper presented at The American Society of Human Genetics 60 Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, US. Nov, pp.2-6, 2010.
- Y.M.J. Lin, K-H. Cheng, H-C. Ko, F-M. Chang, T-L. Yeh, and H.S. Sun, “Population-specific functional variant of the human tryptophan hydroxylase 2 gene contributes risk association to major depression and anxiety in Chinese peripartum women,” Paper presented at XVIth World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics, Osaka, Japan. Oct.11-15, pp.5, 2008.
- Y.M.J. Lin, F. Davamani, C.H. Hsu, W.C. Yang, T.J. Lai, and H.S. Sun, “Haplotype association of monoamine oxidase A gene and bipolar affective disorder in Han Chinese men,” Paper presented at The American Society of Human Genetics 57th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, US. Oct. 23-27, 2007, pp.365, 10 2007.
- H.S. Sun, Y.M.J. Lin, S.C. Chao, T.J. Lai, and T.M. Chen, “Association of functional polymorphisms in neuronal tryptophan hydroxylase gene with bipolar affective disorder,” Paper presented at The American Society of Human Genetics 55th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, US. Oct.25-29, 2005, pp.338, 10 2005.
- Y.M.J. Lin, T.L. Lai, C.S.J. Fann and H.S. Sun, “Association study of serotonin receptor genes and bipolar affective disorder (BPD) in Taiwan,” Paper presented at The Seventeenth Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan. Mar. 23-24, 2002, pp.134, 05 2002.
- Y.J. Lin, T.J. Lai., H.S. Sun, “Genetic analysis of serotonin system in pathogenesis of bipolar affected disorder,” Paper presented at HUGO HGM2002. Shanghai, China. Apr. 14-17, 2002, pp.195, 04 2002.
- Y.M.J. Lin and H.S. Sun, “Association study of the serotonin receptor gene variants and bipolar affective disorder (BPD) in Taiwan,” Paper presented at NHRI Conference on New Perspectives in Molecular Diagnosis of Genetic Disorders, Dasi, Taoyuan, Taiwan. Jun. 15-16, 2001, 06 2001.
- Y.M.J. Lin and H.S. Sun, “Establish a rapid genotyping system for single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) by using multiplex oligonucleotide chain reaction and allele-specific oligonucleotide assay,” Paper presented at Ninth symposium on recent advances in cellular and molecular biology, KenTing, Pingtung County, Taiwan. Feb. 3-5, 2001, pp.95, 02 2001.
- C.-M. Cheng, D.-Y. Chen, Y.-M. Lin, and C.-Y. You, “Cloning and characterization of the Apoptin-associated proteins,” Paper presented at The Fourteenth Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan. Apr. 10-11, 1999, 04 1999.